C Diatonic Harmonica 2nd Position (G) Graphic

I just came back to this graphic and love it so much. Here is how I most often practice the blues scale. I start on the root, go up to the root, back down all the way to as low as goes on the harmonica, and then returning to the root.

If you can do all the bends, I recommend you practice it this way as well!
-2 3’ 4 -4’ -4 -5 6
6 -5 -4 -4’ 4 -3’ -2 -2" -1 -1’ 1
-1’ -1 -2" -2

Rock on!


Hi @ Luke
That’s the Minor Pentatonic Scale combining a lower octave right!? Why would you not practice the Major Pentatonic as well?

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@fallonsteve291 just wanna clarify, are you replying to this post?

That is the blues scale, which is identical to the minor pentatonic scale but with the addition of one note, the #4/b5 aka TRITONE which on the harmonica in 2nd position is -4’ or -1’.

Yeah I think in order to memorize the scale, practicing the major pentatonic scale the same way is helpful, from root up the octave, back down below the note you started on, and then returning up to the note you started on.

The blues scale doesn’t really play in the top octave (without overdraws or overblows) but since the major pentatonic does play in the top octave (and it’s so much fun to play it up there) I’d include that in the practice of memorizing it as well. So:
-2 -3" -3 -4 5 6 -6 -7 -8 8 9
9 8 -8 -7 -6 6 5 -4 -3 -3" -2 2 -1 2 -2

Does that answer your question, sort of?


Hi @Luke
Yes it does, the answer is that you do play the Blues, Minor and Major Pentatonic scales as well for warm ups. Sorry i just didn’t read the full email thread and jumped the gun a little. I’m just starting to realize the importance of learning theses scales thoroughly for helping with improvisation.
Keep rock’in on!


Hi Steve @fallonsteve291

All of the advice applies to every scale that you come across in your learning, as well as in every harp position that you eventually might learn (not just 1st or 2nd position).

Begin slowly using a metronome app at a slow speed, like perhaps 60 beats/min (or even slower if you are having difficulty hitting each tone clearly, in tune and on the beat).

When you can play the scale up and down without mistakes, increase the speed only a little, like about 10 bpm and repeat your scale practice. Eventually you will reach a speed where you can no longer play without errors. But this speed limit will increase with time and practice and can be used as your personal “tracker” to show yourself how you have improved over time.

Apply all of the tricks/techniques that Luke @Luke teaches concerning scale practice (different rhythms, note skipping, etc) using the metronome method I have just described. Improvement is guaranteed! :point_left:

– Slim :sunglasses:


Yeah, good for you @fallonsteve291 for dedicating time to memorizing these scales, it WILL improve your dexterity, speed, and ability to improvise, so it’s time well spent.

All of @Slim’s advice here is RIGHT ON THE MONEY. The only slight modification I recommend is when you’re under 100 BPM try just increasing 5 BPM at a time (i.e. from 50 to 55 to 60 to 65, etc…) and then 10 BPM at a time once you get to 100. Of course any time you can’t quite keep up with a new speed you can try backing off just 1 or 2 BPM and see if you can keep up.

Another great #nextlevel excercise in this regard is double timing. So once you can play quarter notes at 100 for example, a great excercise would be put the metronome at 50 and first play long tones, maybe whole notes (4 clicks per note) or half-notes (2 clicks per note) and then once you’ve played the scale half-notes a few times, without stopping switch to quarter notes (one click per note) and then without stopping switch to eighth notes (2 NOTES per CLICK) and then go back down.

Also here’s a link to some of the other SUPER-helpful approaches to practicing scales that @Slim mentioned:

For #nextlevel from there, you can try half-timing /double-timing the excercises of 3 notes or notes skipping. And a step above that is instead of just ½ notes, 1/4 notes, and 1/8 notes, you can include 1/8 note triplets and 1/16 notes - that when things get really exciting.

It never ends! There are always more cool things you can practice. I could go on and on but I have a sense I might be making you a lil dizzy already? :rofl:

Remember, above all else, stay relaxed, and HAVE FUN!! :raised_hands:t3:


HI @Luke and @Slim
Thanks guy’s for your invaluable advice. It looks like i have many hours of homework in front of me but i can see the massive advantages in doing so. I have struggled with improvising during 12 bar blues sessions and can see that this practice is the answer.


It’s definitely a helpful part of the answer. It’s only gonna help you. There are no downsides to learning and practicing the blues scale.

I’ve spent hundreds or maybe even thousands of hours just practicing scales without playing them in an emotive, expressive kinda way. There’s a moment in time when you’re just trying to MEMORIZE the darn things.

But once you’ve got it, being musical about is a good thing as I discuss in:

Rock on @fallonsteve291 :metal:t3:


An informative thread, thanks for posting it.

Unfortunately it’s all Greek to me! :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi @Luke Thanks i’ll take all that on board. Relax and feel the groove. Just as important