Can someone 'splain the Blues?

@Dk360 This should help! For chords, you’ve got it reverse. Would be DRAW 1-4 for the I chord, and BLOW 1-4 for the IV chord. Yes.

We don’t have a chord for the V chord. -1 and/or -4 for the root of the V chord. This is where splits come in handy:

You can play a million different riffs over any given chord. Try playing the same riff over different chords and pay attention to how a different harmonic context changes the vibe of a riff. You might love a riff over the IV chord, but not love it so much over the I chord. While this may be able to be explained with theory, at the end of the day this is ART, NOT science, so best thing is to play with this stuff and see what tickles your fancy. :wink:

Hope that helps! Rock on! :sunglasses: