Do looks matter?

I have a ‘thing’ about advertising of any sort that is geared to adding unnecessary ‘value’. I also hate the £49:99 rather than the honest £50:00 price tags. Do advertising people think we’re stupid? I wondered if making a show of looks for harmonicas falls within that category or if others feel it’s important. Could it be that those who buy a lot of harmonicas (collect?) rather than those who only buy those that are necessary are interested in how harps look? Do new players think looks are important? Or could as @yuriythebest put it some looks give the impression of looking cheaper or more expensive? I also wonder if the name of some well known person on the cover plate or box makes a harp more attractive? Are these ‘named’ harmonicas any different? This sort of goes back to my If Lamborghini sold harmonicas would you buy one?. Jay1