Exclusive tongue blocking sounds

Does it sound ok

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Thank you for supporting the muse Luke. :-). Yes. Life is both too long and too short to not enjoy playing music even if we are not supposed to enjoy anything else. LOL! Please don’t allow music to become a burden for yourself unless you really want it to be a. burden. LOL! The secret is in the physical dance that must take place to empower the sound and direct the sound. The expression, joy, excitement, fun, that one can experience from playing “air guitar” alone in their room without any sound to speak of, is a bit of evidence that points to where a great amount of enjoyment is actually coming from. (Not to dismiss the sonic beauty that happens as a result.). Just something more to think about. :slight_smile: Corky


Loud and clear.


@Corky_Music I read this to my wife (who’s a world class trumpeter) and she was inspired by it as well. We played one of our duo gigs at the Kona Village Resort on Tuesday night, and I was complimenting her for her physical dance (she was literally dancing a lot during the night - 4 hrs of performing!)

You’re a gift. :sunglasses:


Thank you Luke and dancing Wife.

Even if wife doesn’t “dance” her embouchure and fingers that control the sound are dancing. And if she’s standing perfectly still she’s dancing inside. And I bet even then her eyebrows will be dancing along. And you too my buddy. We can’t help it … otherwise nothing comes out. LOL! corky


Do you know if Rachelle Plas is tongue blocking or puckering?


She uses both and switches back and forth.


That makes sense :slight_smile: I wasn’t sure if it’s possible to play TB that fast or some effects with puckering


You can play super fast w TB but you need to learn to tongue switch up and down the entire harmonica. Sugar Blue and James Conway both use this method. One for blues the other for Irish Fiddle Tunes.


@Adam1 but you’re right Rachelle Plas is lipping when she’s doing fast single note stuff, and tonguing when sh’e doing Chicago blues kinda style stuff, and she does a lot of cool splits too. I love her rhythm when she does the vamping tongue blocked stuff.


Is this kind od style achievable with TB single notes or is it worth to invest also in puckering?


@Adam1 What kind of style? Post a YT link of what kinda thing you’re talking about.

Ford example in kind od style rachelle is playing. :smiley:

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I watched first 2m and it was all TB-ing. If there’s other parts you are referring to, please provide the timestamps in question. Hope that helps.


Thanks, I sent a long video sorry for that but I have really enjoyed that. For shorter parts for example 9:00-11:30 or 14:00-15:30.
I have started with TB as a default embourche and the question is if it’s possible to master such a control only with TB or it is worth to invest in both embourches (TB, puckering) from beginning?

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@Adam1 - yeah in my opinion she is lip blocking from 10:30-11:30. I personally think that that single note country style in the higher register with lots of trills - more of that Buddy Greene / Todd Parrott kind of style - is easier when lip blocking.

But it certainly could be acheived while TB-ing! I don’t think you necessarily need to learn the lip blocking embouchure to play like. I’d love to hear @davidkachalon’s perspective on this!

Everything else you’ve cited can DEFINITELY be done TB-ing, and I believe that for at least most of it, that is in fact that embouchure she’s using.


I over blow with a TB at all times although I hardly actually use them in my playing. I’m not keen on their tone. I need to work on them more to get them to sound like a regular pitch produced by the harp.


Thanks for a great response :slight_smile:


@davidkachalon can any tongue-blockers get overblows/overdraws to sound as big and fat as their regular single notes and bends??? :thinking:


I believe so. Yes. Just takes time like anything else.