Harmo Polar diatonic

I did buy a Harmo Polar half valved in C . Kind of wish I had purchased a low F , but that’s on me . I can get the 1, 2 , 5,6 blow bends with it . 7,8 draw bends are tough for me but the 10 draw is easier. But all my bending still needs work anyway . It doesn’t have any buzzing or rattling, and the tone is like the non valved polars . The price was $49.00 without shipping and that was also a plus for me . To be honest I haven’t played it a ton , but it came setup perfectly. With a blue plastic comb with recessed valve plate and the same polar covers . I have not opened it up yet ( if it’s not broken ) . So far it’s a thumbs up IMHO .

Been curious about those for a while thanks for the review Timbo

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You’re welcome Sir