How to make my Harmonica to sound like electric guitar?

Hey y’all! I’m beginning to gain interest in getting mic’s up and jamming some blues rock. Is there a way of making my harmonica sound like an electric guitar……more or less looking for the upper register sound of an electric guitar soloing. :v:t2:


There’s a music teacher I know who does side gigs including harmonica and he uses a Spark amp. He let me play my harp using his mic and amp and changed it to sound more electric guitar-ry. They have a few different sizes and I’m not sure of the mic he had but the amp was pretty cool!

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For upper register stuff, there’s a harmonica tuning made by Seydel in collaboration with rock harmonica legend Will Wilde I think will help you get the sound you’re after. This tuning is available on the Seydel 1847 classic and Seydel Session Steel models.


@Madmartigan26 I will +1 @KeroroRinChou here that the Will Wilde tuning is hands down the best tuning for emulating guitar riffs on a harmonica. No question. (I’ve been playing guitar for over 30 years, so I feel qualified to answer this question.)


Awesome! I’ve read about the power bender too both look like fairly good choices!