Looking for opinions of tone of New Golden Melody Tone

after review, I was scouting for old model. thought I found one, but they sent new one. Awful leaky.


@KeroroRinChou wow I didnā€™t know that T.J. Klay and Terry McMillan were friends! I just bought T.J.'s CD on eBay.

Yeah, I bought one Golden Melody. One. 'Nuff said? :rofl:


I received a surprise call this morning from the music store to say my GM had arrived a month ahead of schedule. Itā€™s the new model of course and after reading the recent reviews, I had been regretting having ordered it. Harmonicas are relatively expensive here in Australia - $100 for the GM and that was a discounted price.
I have not had the pleasure of playing the old model and I had not previously played a C harp. I have special 20s in D and G.
Also, as Iā€™m a beginner, everything is new, so I donā€™t have much to compare with and I donā€™t know the jargon and esoteric terminology to clearly understand some of the criticisms or to convey my own thoughts well.
Anyway, my finger and thumb do not fall into the divots in the cover plates. (I have long skinny fingers). To me, the notes sound clearer than the special 20s. Its comfortable to hold. I can feel the reed plates on my lips but so far it hasnā€™t bothered me. I think it looks cool and I need all the help I can get.
So thatā€™s about it, I donā€™t regret buying it. Sometimes youā€™re better off dumb, but for other new players, Iā€™m not the person to listen to, so please donā€™t be influenced by me.


Hi @PapaCurly

Great! If you like it and it responds well for your skill level, then congratulations!! Perhaps they (Hohner) are improving their quality control on the new GM model.

I love the tone of mine (key of G). :heart_decoration:


Right on @PapaCurly. All that matters is that YOU love it. Itā€™s a WIN. YESSAH!!!