@Adam1 , I use forerunners as my standard 12 hole chromatic. Some positions are better played on chroms in different keys but C is a good starting point. I carry chroms in Ab; Bb; C; D; E; & F# because that also gives me solo tuned diatonics in those keys and with the slide held in usually signed as < A; <B; <Db; <Eb; <F; & <G, A solo tuned chrom is only two solo tuned diatonic joined by a button, As @ David W puts it they are heavier. I travel a lot and a 10 hole 2.5 octave chrom is a lot easier that 12 + diatonic (blues) harps to carry. 3rd position of draw 1 or draw 5 is pretty good for blues and the blues/pentatonic scales give you some useful get-me-out-of jail-free notes. If you look for CHROMATIC in the GEAR section on 4th October (think this may do it Chromatic - #8 by Jay1 ) I posted the whole list of blues; minor pentatonic & major pentatonic scales for a solo tuned C chrom. If you can put them into a small index notebook you’ll can use them as a cheat list so if someone is playing in Bb minor just turn to that page and it will be difficult to go wrong I’ve been cheating like that for years Jay1
Two thing I forgot to mention: Octaves are in 4 hole sequence so holes 1-4 are the first octave; 5-8 the second octave and on a 12 hole 9-12 are the 3rd octave and 10 hole chroms have a slightly different tuning on holes 9 & 10 but don’t worry about that. Jay1