@Slim Thanks.
Try this. When articulating a note bend the tip of your tongue down. This will force the middle of your tongue up making the gap smaller. This construction of the air passage should create a bend. Try saying too while bending the tip of your tongue down.
Hope this helps.
Late reply, but how about pulling with the diaphragm into the throat, but hold the throat closed and then open with a blast, controlled blast. Like talking Jimmy Stewart the way he talks, if that reference isn’t to old. (It’s a wonderful life)
Can someone tell me what is “Winslow’s technique”? I know this is an old thread but I was reading through threads and found this one. I’ve never heard of Winslow’s technique so I’m curious. I’m a little over 3 months playing now and I can get all my draw bends but am working on strengthening my muscles that make bending possible so I can hold them steady for longer and also working on hitting the note directly and being on pitch, or at least close enough that it’s not real noticeable.
Anyway if someone could tell me what this Windslows technique is I’d be appreciative.
It’s putting the back of the tongue up against the roof of the mouth. You can see diagrams and stuff in “Harmonica fro Dummies” book. Great resource and I’m sure you can find it used cheap.