Rhythms of the Breath Vol. 1 by Howard Levy

Dear @Slim, I would like to share the amount with you… :sweat_smile:
I had it saved as a wish and waiting for about a week. Then price less, bought. I always do that. Balance out some inflation. :grin:

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Hi @Slim
Thanks for your reply. Yeah just tried here again and it said they were in stock, whereas earlier they were out. Anyway got it! Improving single note playing and i guess speed can only be a good thing i think Slim.

Regards Steve. :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi @AstridHandbikebee63
Thanks for the rundown, It must be hard having to translate books into your mother tongue. Us English speaking countries don’t know how lucky we have it. I’ve just ordered mine, also from Amazon and should get it in a couple of days. NOTE: no 0.30 Euro discount though :thinking:. (maybe that’s because have to translate it?) lol
Anyway i can’t help myself, if its new and anything to do with the harmonica, i’ll get it!

Happy Harpin!


Hello @fallonsteve291,
great, then look forward to it. Of course it is time consuming to understand it in my language. In principle, it’s all about these technical terms, the rest is colloquial and that works.
I made notes in the margin and marked them. So I find it again quickly and I think there will be good progress.
Since I have already dealt with the BTB and various ones on YouTube, I know what is required. It’s good!
Thank you for writing to me!
We rock this thing, right :wink:?

Greetings from Astrid :woman_in_lotus_position:


@Slim I haven’t been able to get the tongue block down but I can see how these exercises might be harder with that technique.

@Luke Were you tongue blocking in the demo video?


Hi @AstridHandbikebee63
Yeah, we rock this thing! At least that’s the intention. Got the book now and ready to give it a whirl!


Hello @fallonsteve291,
that’s great. If there are several people, you can exchange ideas very well and maybe help a little.
Have a nice day and don’t work through everything in one step. :grin:


Howard Levy, like many of my favorite players, is PRIMARILY a lip blocker and just uses tongue blocking occasionally for the colors it can provide. I’m lip blocking I’m the demo vid.

I’ve mostly been focusing on Pgs. 25-27, 47, and 53-54. Those are some of the real sweet spots worth checking out, in my opinion. (NOTE: The D7 riff on pg 54 is very challenging and requires good bending intonation.)

This stuff is very geeky, delayed-gratification kind of work (meaning you might put time into it for weeks or months before you start seeing the real benefits) but I am starting to feel some of the rewards in my playing.

Funny little anecdote: I’ve gotten up to 120 BPM on that pg.25 exercise I did in the video. Recently I was jamming with a jam track that was 120 BPM and I was kinda struggling with this little lick I was hearing in my head and then I was like, “I know I can do this because I was just doing that tempo blow-draw alternating on the single stroke rolls yesterday” and then boom that gave the confidence I needed to execute it. That’s one example of how I’m seeing it begin to impact my playing.

But that kinda exemplifies what this book is about. IT’S PURE TECHNIQUE 100% (and 0% theory.) And technique is the what needs to be improved for you to be able to play what you want to play.

I definitely recommend checking out and focusing on those exercises I mentioned above. And I’ll keep sharing particular ones that I like for one reason or another and/or that I think are good for beginners. And y’all please do the same! As he says on page 123, you DON’T NEED to go in order, nor do you need to feel that you have to play every single exercise. (For example, don’t hesitate to skip over anything that has bends.)

Happy Harpin!


Hello Folks,

I’m making my holiday gift list and wanted to see if this book would manageable for a curious beginner. Any ideas?



Hi James @JamesP

Before asking for someone to publish copyrighted material without the author’s permission, I think you should look in this forum for Luke’s @Luke posts concerning this book. :point_left:

I purchased it and – in my opinion – it is not for a beginner (curious or otherwise). I would say that it is perhaps more appropriate for an intermediate player willing to invest time and effort with the exercises (which are not really so interesting to play – and particularly so for a beginner).

– Slim :sunglasses:


Hello @Slim,

My sincere apologies that completely slipped my mind and you are correct. That was poor judgement on my part thank you for the feedback. I’ll put it on my holiday list for next year :smile:

I’ll edit my post as to not confuse people.

