Sounds exclusive to different embouchures (Tonguing vs Lipping)

@Corky_Music Aw the venerable uncle Cork! I always appreciate it so much when you drop in and drop some nuggets of wisdom. Always liberating and full of joy and music. Thank you for your input. :sunglasses:


Aw Luke! Thank you. Just trying to be helpful to the muse and its devotees.

Cousin Corky
P.S. As a Mr. Pucker harmonica player for about 60 years no one told me I should be bending notes using the tip of my tongue. LOL! I always do it by the back of my tongue and opening the jaw (except for maybe the higher notes.). As I understand it, Whatever you have to do to bend a note while whistling thatโ€™s pretty much the same thing, but at the same time you are resonating the chamber in the inside of your mouth with a desired pitch for the richest tone as Joe Filisko and Howard Levy would explain. I studied tongue blocking with Joe, but he could play many different ways, and toured extensively with Howard as a duet (Howard could do anything) โ€” to add a little credibility to my conjecture. Also toured with Mark Hummel. Not to mention played with Little Walter though thatโ€™s hard to believe LOL!