1 hand vs 2 hands

Hi all,
As a beginner (3 months practice), I cannot get my head around something. I play much better with one hand than with two. Although the positions of my left hand fingers do not change, when I add my right hand, my play tends to be less precise and more airy. I keep focusing on having my left hand drive movements (with a relaxed right hand) and I struggle to understand underlying reasons for this problem. Have others come across that issue as well?
Is it best to train with one hand and add the second hand when perfect or always two hands? In one video Luke mentions he mostly practices with one hand.


Ronnie Shellist has a channel on YouTube that is a gold mine on hand positions and techniques And little bits of knowledge I will look on his channel see if I can share it. I think it will point you in the right direction, he also gives advice on how to do it with a mic. ( Which is pretty much common sense, but if you haven’t got the knowledge it will help)


Thank you Andie, I will visit this channel!


I found when I started i was mostly playing with just my left hand.
Just do what feels right and natural to do and as you get more comfortable it’s easier to try different things and add things to the tool box.


Makes sense, that’s what I had in mind. Get comfortable playing with my left hand first. Thanks


Definitely try to keep it in your LEFT hand. Keep the right hand down unless changing or adding hand techniques. The other hand will only add tension. The right hand will become important later when working on mic/tone technique. Hope this helps.


Clear, thanks!


I remember a few years ago seeing a Youtube video which said we should ALWAYS play with two hands.

I believe at the time @Luke, said he loved to play while driving, which, unless you are really talented, takes at least one hand.

Then I remember another post saying that someplace, (maybe in the United Kingdom?). that you could be fined for not having both hands on the steering wheel.

My conclusions…

Play as you may with one hand or two
Do it when you are walking or on the move
If you are driving, keep your eyes on the road
But whatever you do, play that little sucker
Even if you sometimes you must say:
Look Ma, no hands!


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Tried playing while driving once … never again :scream:

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