1st stage appearance

Last week got on stage and accompanied a good band. This was a big corp event celebrating a large project my team recently completed. I named the project Bulldozer. So the corp event was called “The Bulldozer Experience” We had a great band and venue @ Gilley’s Dallas. I couldn’t let this opportunity pass. So, talked the band into letting me accompany them for a song. I went simple and glad I didn’t try any acrobatics! Wow I learned a lot from this. What a blast!

Happy belated Birthday Luke!


Congratulations, Eric @eric !! :partying_face: :musical_note:

– Slim :sunglasses:


Way to go, Eric!


Congrats! I remember the first time I played in public. I was so NOT ready. But had a blast anyway. I’ve learned a lot since then but still don’t think I’m quite ready.



Hey thanks for the birthday greetings. CONGRATS ON THE PUBLIC PERFORMANCE!! You’ve broken the ice. Yeah 5 minutes on stager in front of a crowd is worth like 5 days of practicing at home. There’s a way you grow from playing in front of people that you grow in no other way. It’s like finally GIVING the gift you’ve been working so hard to cultivate.

And then, there’s also a way you grow from recording and hearing yourself back that you grow in no other way. It’s like looking at yourself under a microscope.

I’m so glad you had fun. Did you play a blues?


I can offer a tip that’s always served me well over the years, and has yielded many “I felt like you were singing just to me” type comments.

When on stage, pick three objects, that from your view, are just above the audience’s heads. One straight ahead, one left, one right. Usually it’ll be something like a clock on one wall, an exit sign above a door on another wall, and perhaps a sign or painting on another.
Then when playing, use them as your focus points, alternating between them. That way, you won’t be so nervous, because you’re playing to a clock, not focussing on anyone’s face, which can be awkward, and yet everyone in the audience will feel like you made a connection with them, and only them.
It works very well for calming nerves, and it avoids that awkward -
“I’m staring at that person! Oh no, now it’s obvious that I’m avoiding their gaze! Now I keep locking eyes! The more I try to avoid it, the more it happens! That girl thinks I’m coming on to her! That biker’s going to ambush me in the toilets because I keep pegging him out and locking eyes with him!” etc etc etc!!! :grimacing:


Hello @Dave_Dunn,
Good pictorial description and good help.
Great thanks!
Greetings from Astrid :woman_in_lotus_position:


No problem. I came across your other thread on stage fright and added it there.
I’ve been playing in paid bands since I was 16, and when I found that tip in a book somewhere, it really changed things for me. It’s very awkward staring at individual people.


I can really imagine what you are describing. You look for a quiet point or several, so to speak, which calms you down. It doesn’t come across as ignorant, arrogant or rude to the audience.
For some time now I’ve been recording myself for checking. When I could still play the guitar, even that didn’t work at all with excitement.
Today I look out the window at the countryside and that also helps.
I recently went on a tour of a major attraction in my city on my handbike. I looked for what I thought was a less important point, took my harp and played it. It was the “Steigerlied” (song of the miners), which is important for our region.
Not difficult, but I had never practiced it, just spontaneous. I ended up getting :clap: from different corners, above, from a bridge and behind the green from a path.
Sorry, long story, but so important to me and a good feeling. :grin:


It sounds like a magical moment!
I’ve been learning saxophone before buying harmonicas recently, when I play in the outdoors, I get yelling rather than clapping! :grin:


My dad was a very good :saxophone: (alto, Sopran, tenor) and clarinet player.
Very early he played in a big band, later dance music with his own band and accompaniment for jazz. A total of almost 40 years. It was through him that we children came to music. My brothers were also allowed to learn drums and saxophone, unfortunately I only learned a little singing. As a girl it was very difficult in the 60s and 70s, unfortunately! But when I play my harp today, I know he’s listening and smiling… Music is the bridge between heaven and earth. This saying hung as a picture in our apartment.

So I concentrated on athletics and set my goals there for later. That should be the case, even if fate turned out completely differently, but that’s exactly where my fitness helps me.


I went with a total layup. “Low Rider” I felt I could do this without counting time, so that was half the battle. Wanted to do something everyone knew and would be fun.

What made it hard was that I couldn’t hear me at all. I was scared that I wasn’t on the right note or time. When I came off stage, nothing but high fives. Success, I ran off and left the band one time, but they covered me up!

Already planning my next attempt. What a rush!


Fabulous rush my friend.

London, Canada


Yeah, not being able to hear yourself is such a drag. Hopefully, next time you have a better Front of House sound guy! So much more fun when you can hear yourself as well as the band! CONGRATS again!


Tonight I went to pick a friend up from a pub, he’d had too many beers, and I got ‘dragged’ up on stage.
I thought I’d play safe, and sing Gloria, because they’d just played a song in E, and
there was a harp player, so I knew he had an A harp in his hand, and convinced him to jam along.

It’s nice to have that rush again, I haven’t played live since 2019, and nothing replaces it.