Accompany melody

Hey guys,
I am new to music theory but so far I am able to read and play single notes (or sometimes just transcribe to tabs). Single notes are fine but I really likes when melody is accompanied with chords, dirty notes, vamping etc… Are this techniques or style of this playing exclusively matter of ear or are there any rules where it fits or not?
Do you know any resources (videos, songs) where is it possible to learn it? :smile:


Some of Juzie Smiths videos get into this. Also Alex .
I think its mostly up to you to figure out.


Hey @Adam 1, if you love that sound then you’re definitely gonna wanna look into tongue-blocking. It’s a journey that’s gonna require more patience than playing single notes by lip blocking, but it IS what opens up that chordal style, splits and dirty notes to the max.

If you’re in Beginner to Boss the Splits and Tongue Blocking modules provide a nice intro to this, if not, check out this video for a nice slow intro to TB-ing:

Other valuable resources on the subject would be Joe Filisko’s study songs, Skip to My Lou and Deford’s Dream.

Hope that helps!


I started TB from beginning so it feels natural to me. But I play to short to play by ear. Technique is one thing, but be able to aplly it in songs is another one. :slight_smile:
Thanks for valuable sources. Hopefully I will figure it out.


You got this @Adam1 ! :facepunch:t3:

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