Another question for the three step bend

I have a question for all those that have really got the three step down. Do you play the first step with the K spot forward and the second a bit further back and the third as further back? Is this is the technique for hitting any of the three steps desired, especially when the note needs to be played quickly? I can get all three but am too slow to the desired note consistently and quickly.

Also anyone familiar with a Koch chromatic harp. I was given one and it plays but needs to be cleaned and a reed replaced. The harp I have was German made many years ago.

Any and all replays are appreciated.


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Think “kee, Kay, kah, kow, kuuu.””

These places in the throat that I advise my students to hit. Hope this helps . Each one hits a deeper bend… you got any questions let me know,

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Thanks is this the only change? Do you start the first on closer to your teeth or keep the K spot constant. Another ? I play during the day when its dry and humidity low with no problem. At times it gets more humid and chilly out and this seems to make the harp much harder to play well. Its seems hate this weather and playing rich notes much more difficult. I took a hair drier and lightly ran it over the harp and it played well for a few minutes but the chilly weather took over after a few minutes. My harps are clean and during the day I can blow lightly in each side from about three inches away and the reeds respond, both draw and blow reeds. Not so when it is chilly. Point is the harps play well when the weather is warmer and humidity lower. I just put em down until the next day and the temperature warmer and the humidity much lower.

The k spot is in the back of the throat and goes deeper with each added articulation. Get me? Hope this helps!

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Think so if the K spot starts in the back and remains there. What gets the bends step is what you articulate to go from one to another. I am really working on the first two but if its to done right all three must be played consistently well. Is this it? Are you going to attend SPAH in 2025 in San Antonio?



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Oh yes I will be there. I am on the board of directors.


Were you at K F F last April?

I was not

Thanks again for taking the time to help with the three step bend.


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I am using your method and it is very helpful. Thanks again.


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