Could any French speaking members help me with this video and explain the basic concept and how it is utilised? Im afraid my ‘school’ french’ only allows me to pick up about one in every six words
To use this little device requires also that you use an ARKIA harp (because of the location of the reed plate screws). It will not work on just any harmonica.
I suspect you’re right. However, I do have two Arkia harps which is why i’m curious
The basic concept is that the insert blocks the airflow either for the blow reeds or for the draw reeds, depending on the reed plate that it covers. This is done by sliding the insert into the back of the harmonica either over the plate with the draw reeds (the bottom plate) or over the plate with the blow reeds (the top plate).
Please check the video to see the correct orientation of the insert when inserting it into the back of the harp, noting closely that one side of the insert is covered with a sort of felt and does not have any grooves (this felt side is placed against the draw reeds when placing the insert into the bottom slot at the back of the harp) and the other side is without felt, has three grooves and also the name ARKIA on it (this is placed into the top slot at the back of the harp with the three grooves facing down over the draw reeds and the felt side faces upwards toward the top cover plate).
You can also orient yourself in the video by noting the printed words on the screen (“aspirer” means “inhale”/“draw”; while “souffle” means “blow”): at 02:43 into the video he draws into hole 4, initially getting a weak sound that then changes into a 4 draw bend ("4 altere"refers to the “altered/bent” 4 draw) when he adjusts his tongue, etc. so that the air flows properly. I did not find this very useful (but I must admit that I could already perform draw bends).
At 03:02 into the video he shows how to use the insert to practice overblows. Note how the insert is placed into the top slot at the back of the harp. This is somewhat useful, but I personally find it much better to practice overblows with the covers plates removed and using your finger to block/unblock the draw reed slot. Maybe that is a bit more involved (because you must remove the covers) and your lips do not have the covers to rest on, but (for me) that worked better than using the insert – and you can do it on any harp, not just an ARKIA. The same applies to doing overdraws.
I hope this is helpful for you.
– Slim
That is fantastic Slim, Thank you for taking the time to post such a detailed explanation