Bamboo comb?

Has anyone on here tried these bamboo comb harps by hohner?


Yes, @GreenStamps, I have the Hohner Marine Band Thunderbird in Low E and the Hohner Marine Band Crossover in the key of F. Both are made of bamboo and I have no problems with them.

Greetings Astrid :woman_in_lotus_position:


How about a review comparison of wood and resin ones? Smooth, responsive, note clarity?


@GreenStamps, I play various models and manufacturers made of wood and plastic with brass or stainless steel reeds and pitch.

Since I don’t limit myself to a specific genre, I choose the harp that suits it best. All manufacturers have strengths and weaknesses. Accordingly, I invested a lot of time adapting the models.

If problems arise with a new song, then these are entirely my fault, as I still have a lot to learn after such a relatively short time.:slightly_smiling_face:


So same as the rest, I was more wondering how smooth on the lips compared to traditional woods and resins, but great. They are pricey.


I also have no problems with the lips, regardless of whether they are plastic or wooden.
Of course, without exaggeration, I pay attention to oral hygiene. Before the game, usually put a little milk fat with chamomile on your lips and rub it well until it is absorbed into the skin. If I have eaten spicy food beforehand, especially (chilli powder, jalapeno).

If I have an infection, I use the Seydel disinfection bag for harmonicas for my harps.
I was more than skeptical about this thing beforehand. But I really have the impression that infections are no longer spread like they were before using the bag. Now they take place in the same period as before my time playing the harp. I also use the bag when I haven’t used a harp for a while.
Due to my long-standing physical disability, I also have to be careful with infections.

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Yeah @GreenStamps I LOVE the bamboo combs. But I’ve got a Crossover with a Todd Parrott composite comb and I love that too!

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Fue he he, I see that you’ve turned to the dark side now.


Great. I found an old harmonica that the wood comb has fallen apart, plan on making one out of bush cherry wood. Winter project.

I wanted to buy a bamboo one but like $80 or more.


Remember Dark Side of the Moon, Pink Floyd.

There is no dark side of the moon, really, in fact, it is all dark.