Bending Routine

Hi everyone ! I’m writing this message out of my frustration because I’m loosing the grip. It’s been weeks since I practiced with my harmonica and I just realized it’s because I don’t have a path to follow…I mean, I managed to learn bending on the first 6 holes (drawing) but not having a good and challenging routine I got frustrated and it’s like I don’t enjoy playing anymore. Can You please help me suggesting a good routing to practice bending effectively and efficently in a stimulating a funny way ?
Thanks all for your precious time ! Mario.

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Hi Mario @mariociolli

Play (jam) to bakcing tracks. There are literally hundreds on YouTube. By selecting tracks in various keys you can get unlimited practice for all of those bends. Almost any other practice routine is just … well … practice – and not necessarily fun or stimulating.


– Slim :sunglasses:


Thanks Slim ! Appreciate the tip…but I’m not good enough yet to play on a backing track …I wish I was …and that’s why I need a good practice routine to practice…like those in the course…I mean it’s like if I found a gap in the course that goes from leaarning how to bend the 6th, 4th, 3rd and 2nd holes to effectively own the tecnique. I enjoy a lot practicing and having good exercises help me a lot getting better and better.

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Excuse me for saying this, but that attitude is ridiculous! Why are thinking this way? Are you worried that the “audience” won’t like your playing?

If you are advanced enough to bend notes then you are more than ready to play along to backing tracks in the privacy of your room. Your goal hopefully is not to become an excellent “practicer”.

I have suggested a “path” for you to follow. It is free and can keep you on focus until you find a better “path”. The next step is yours. Give it a try. I doubt that anyone will walk out of your “concert”.

Happy harping,

– Slim :sunglasses:


Nice one ! Thanks …you got me there …I’ll keep trying …I’ll write again in a month or so.
Take care :wink:


Check out the ideas in this video. He gives a method to make practice fun. He has other videos that you can search that build on this framework.

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@mariociolli Great post and I love that you were able to receive @Slim’s great suggestion about the backing tracks! You can just practice

-4’ -4 -5
-4’ -4 -4’ -3’ -2
-1 -2" -1 -2" -2
-4 -4’ 4 -3’ -2 -2" -1
-1’ -1 -2" -2 -3’ 4 -4’ -4 -5 6

Or any literally any little phrase with bending in it over a backing track, and not only practice the technique, but practice it with feeling, making it sound like music!

If you’re looking for a more “analytical” practice time, consider working on your bends with the Bend it Better tool: