Billy Boy Arnold Technique

I’m trying to learn Whiskey, Beer and Reefer by Billy Boy Arnold and have several questions. Listening to his harp it sounds like he switches between lip pursing and tongue blocking but I’m not sure. He has a couple parts where he plays splits with tongue blocking but I just cant figure out which holes he’s using. I love his vibrato on those splits!!! I usually play lip pursing but am slowly starting to get into tongue blocking because the sound is so unique and makes the harp sound like its own band. I’ve been playing a year now but still consider myself a beginner. Any tips from you tongue blocker will be appreciated.


The main one he’s playing that sounds so sweet is the -25, which is a Split-4 (tongue is blocking holes 3 and 4) It’s playing the root and the b7 which is such a great sound.

After that he’s playing -14 and 14 (also Split-4’s) which are octaves.

Hope that helps! :sunglasses:


I’ve played with Billy boy yes, he’s a part tongue blocker part purser, Hybrid style. Nice man, strange man but nice

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