Black Crowes Harmonica

Chris Robinson is pretty darn good on harmonica. Hotel Illness is one of my favorite riffs. Anyone know what key it is in? I’m going to try to ear train it, I have part of it already but cannot figure out the key.

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@bltaylor85 Try G Major with its relative E minor in 6th position or you could try a D Major for E minor in 2nd position and G Major in 4th position but I’m a chromatic player, hardly ever touch diatonic harps these days so other may jump in with better suggestions. Jay1

@bltaylor85 Welcome to the forum! Thanks so much for this. I was a huge fan, even saw them in concert when I was in high school, but didn’t know Chris Robinson plays harmonica - I’d forgotten that they had any harmonica in their songs!

Yes, Hotel Illness is a standard C harmonica, playing key of G, 2nd position.

Thanks guys! Black Moon Creeping (the song after Hotel Illness) also has some excellent harmonica happenings.

I’ve seen them twice, excellent live show!

I’m going to work on it! I took your course and JPs breakthrough blues course. Loved them both!

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Aw that’s so cool man. :facepunch:t3: LMK if you have any questions.