East Top 008k

G’day @HarpinBobbyMcB, and @Luke.
I’m just using them as passing notes in the first position, hitting them at speed, but unlike the standard tuning, or Harmonic Minor tuning, with Natural Minor tuning, the notes on draw 6 and 7 are only a semitone apart, which doesn’t sound good at all if one bleeds into the other, it sounds discordant. Draw 7 and 8 seem more unpleasant together too.

Apart from a couple of songs I’m writing in minor keys Bobby, a ‘lead break’ using a minor scale sounds good over just about any progression, minor or major, that’s why it’s so commonly done on guitar.

My main goal with playing harmonica is to have interesting lead breaks in the songs I’m recording, and I find a minor tuning allows for that much better than the standard tuning does, it’s more like playing guitar.
With the harmonic tuning in particular, I find that I can play as I feel, and the notes are about where I expect them to be as I go up and down the harmonica.

Here’s a rough mix of one of my songs I put on YouTube. It’s one of the group of songs I call my unoriginal originals.

It’s just an incomplete mix, I put it up so I could share it with my family and bandmates easily. Also, a bit of an experimenting with DaVinci Resolve.

So one goal, is to record something for this.
If I played a lead break on guitar, which I’m not very practiced at ( it was never my job in the band ), I’d used the Em scale, so I’d rather just have a minor tuned harmonica rather than to try it with standard tuning.

The Bm tuned T00K is giving me some sort of Em scale, I haven’t mapped it out as yet, I’m assuming it’s the same as the Lee Oskar’s though.
It’s a great harmonica to play, already a new favourite!


Hi @Leon75

No, that is not normal. Follow the advice of Luke @Luke for the +10 (ten hole blow) reed. The procedure is the same regardless of whether the reed is a blow reed or a draw reed. :point_left:

Since you will be working on the +10 reed, it is not so easy to see how large its gap is (blow reeds are on the bottom side (or “inside”) of the top reed plate, while the draw reeds are on the outside of the lower reed plate and therefore have easily visible reed gaps). So it is usually best to remove the top (draw) reed plate from the comb so that you can better see and compare the reed gaps. Otherwise you are sort of working “blindly” when trying to see the gaps of the blow reeds.

– Slim :sunglasses:


Pretty cool video @Dave_Dunn, thanks for sharing it. Very interesting thoughts on the minor tunings as well :+1:


Thanks guys. I will give y’all an update when I’m done.


Great stuff @Dave-Dunn.
I’ve been a coffee totaler for about twenty five years, but dude. You made me so bloody thirsty listening to you. Keep it coming brother :clap:t2:


Be careful when buying minor labelled harps from Chinese companies. They maybe labelled in first position and not second as Lee Oskar does. Kongsheng Baby Fat are labelled in first position.

As I have just started the lessons here, I have been at it for a while now on my own with the East Top 008k. To hear you really like it as well is really good to hear. I just ordered the Special 20 that you recommended, but it is nice to know that what I am already comfortable with regarding sound, functionality, and feel has been just fine all along.

Thank you so much for taking the time to try it out and more importantly, letting us know.


Right on @24donovan! Welcome to the forum bro! Let us know how you think the SP20 compares to the 008k!


UPDATE on my 008k’s…

My first harp was a 008k in C, and a few months ago, I got one in Bb…

I’m still a fan, but the reeds don’t seem to be as durable as my other harps, so far.

On my C, I blew the 4 draw, probably trying too hard to bend, within about 4 or 5 months, as I recall. At the time it was my only harp, so I had played the heck out of it.

On my Bb, which I hadn’t played nearly as much because of my other harps, the other day my 4 blow reed broke like this :point_down: :

Seems like a strange place for it to break, but it did… :roll_eyes:.

With that said, I do believe it’s a good starter harp and I still love the look and feel of it, though the sound is not quite up to par with my Lee Oskar, Special 20, Rocket, or Golden Melody.

When my 4 draw blew on my C harp, I was forced to learn how to play the upper register better, which was actually a good thing in retrospect.

Now on this one without my 4 blow, I plan on using it to get better with it in 3rd and 4th positions, which is also probably a good idea :bulb: :wink:.

Anyone else with similar experience with blown reeds on the 008k?


That a blow reed breaks is really a bad sign regarding the quality of the harp. I personally will buy other brand harps after reading your post.

– Slim :sunglasses:


As I think about it, I did drop the harp on cement once, but that was a while back. Also I was practicing some over blows,and my technique on those isn’t great.

Maybe this had something to do with this reed breaking?

It seems like such an unnatural place for it to break, don’t you think? :thinking:


Hi @HarpinBobbyMcB

I really doubt that dropping the harp would contribute to the reed breaking – more likely are the attempts at executing overblows. Overblows, like all other notes, should be able to be played with normal air pressure. If they cannot be played with normal air pressure then either the technique is incorrect or the reeds (both blow and draw) need to be gapped correctly – or both of these factors need to be addressed. :point_left:

– Slim :sunglasses:


Hello Bobby @HarpinBobbyMcB ,

for me it has been a material weakness since production. Fatigue fracture occurred from playing too much. Did you adjust the reeds yourself and bend them several times? This can also lead to breakage in the end.

As I opened my various harps and looked at everything, I noticed a few things.
Of course there are serious qualitative differences between brass and stainless steel reeds.
BUT there are also big differences among the brass reeds! The material can be remarkably soft or have good flexibility and vibration. One should pay attention!

Best Regards from Astrid :woman_in_lotus_position:


Good to see the 008k has a solid comb.


So the draws on the East Top seem to be easier than the Special 20. I’ve played with the ET for a couple of months and haven’t been using the S20 for a while now. They both sound very similar. And both bend notes about the same in my opinion, not hard at all. I noticed the S20 draw on 1 and 10 are a little less clean sounding than the ET. But outside of that, they are very alike. I will note that the ET is just slightly wider across. Not sure why that is but I didn’t notice it until writing this. Hope this helps.


Hey @HarpinBobbyMcB I’ve mentioned there was a period of time when I was blowing out reeds all the time. But looking back now I know during that period, more than brand, it was a function of technique - I was playing WAY TOO HARD.

Now I literally haven’t blown out a reed in years. I don’t think I’ve blown out a reed in the last decade.

All this to say, I’d venture to guess that you’re working on overblows DOES have something to do with the reed breaking it (though I don’t think dropping it had anything to do with it.)

When we work on over-blows, we all tend to to try blowing really hard as part of the frustrating process of getting one.

BTW - I don’t think you should work on over-blows. They’re weak sounding, and even though I can do them, I’ve never played one on stage.

I think you’re much better off working on regular draw bends and blow bends, and if you need a note that doesn’t exist, think about other positions or alternate tunings as the solution rather than overblows. That’s my 2 cents Blazing Bobby!


This is a great reminder also of something else you posted recently @Luke

If you want to get someone’s attention:


I find myself lately playing much softer, trying to get deeper feeling with each note being barely audible rather than trying to bring the house down :joy:


'Atta boy @HarpinBobbyMcB! Play absolutely as quietly as your fricken can!!! Rock on! :sunglasses:


I agree with you @Slim! But I was playing with ChatGTP and translated an inquiry from english to Mandarin and then translated the Chinese version back to english just to see how accurate it might be. (Never sent it to East Top). This method may make communication with East Top more fluid…
This is the result from ChatGTP. Took only seconds for each translation.

I spent some time in Beijing teaching at Beijing Institute of Technology but my Chinese is still not fluent and I have forgotten most of the Han Zi (characters) I had learned….

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I bought a G, not sure, plastic case 008L? come with plastic case like hohner, liked that one bought a C, A, Bd. I also have the Rocket Hohner low E and Low F love those, resin combs. I also tried a harmo mad in Utah, I think, a G. Seems very similar to the Eaststop, but you can bend every reed.

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