East Top 008k

I missed this thread until now. I have a full 12-harp set of 008Ks (the royal blue ones) that I got off eBay brand new, plus case, for a ridiculously low price. I think it was about $136. Anyway, I love them and I’m pretty much playing them all the time instead of my Special 20s and Marine Bands. I like that they’re heavier, the holes are bigger and that the comb is deeper. If there’s a big difference in sound quality, I don’t have the requisite experience yet to notice it. I’ve played the heck out of the C for like 9 months now with no issues and I also bought another C to keep in my truck. I just couldn’t be happier with them.


When I first heard about Easttop 008k’s I could only find them on Aliexpress and they were like $10-$12. I bought a few to try. They played great. Sounded bright and reedy. Both cover plate options sucked, either brass painted black or blue anodized aluminum. I decided to buy a bunch more. Unfortunately, all that covid crap kicked off while they were in route. I don’t know if it was Aliexpress or the vendor (who claimed to be Easttop) but all my orders were canceled with no refund. I jumped through hoops with Aliexpress customer service for months to no avail. Then about half of the orders showed up in the mail. So, I guess they ended up costing about the same as what the current Ebay and Amazon prices seem to be. I’m probably not going to buy anymore Easttops, or do any business with Aliexpress again…


I know there’s a UK guy who imports them to resell, I’d guess there are others, so you don’t necessarily have to get them from China, although going that way wipss out some of the price incentive.
I’m thinking about getting one to try out an A harp.


I definitely prefer the 008K in A to my Special 20. The Bb too. They’re easier to play and they sound better to me.


While I am an overall 008k fan and have loved learning on them, compared to my other harps, Lee Oskar, Golden Melody, Rocket and Special 20; they don’t seem to have quite the tone and/or projection.

The 008k, I have now is in Bb, and though I busted the 4 draw, I still like to play it in the upper register on certain songs, as well as in 3rd and 4th position minor scales, since I get nice clean notes all the way up the harp.

I suppose though it is all a matter of taste and preference.

I really like the look and feel of the 008k’s, plus mine came with cool neoprene holders which are easy to slide on a belt. I’ve given a few away as presents since they won’t break the bank and, in my opinion, don’t disappoint.



I am a bit confused as to where the real Easttop harps are made. I bought a chromatic 16/64 from Amazon that was shipped from China. I visited the website. The operation seemed legit and the harmonica was great. But now when I look for Easttop on Amazon I get pics of the 008k diatonic, or “Free Blues” diatonic , the personnel in the photos do not appear to be chinese. Is Free Blues an upgrade to the 008k? Or a step down?The location of the factory is listed as GURUGRAM, HARYANA 122016,IN which turns out to be in India near New Delhi… The descriptions of the harps mention Paddy C, or Paddy D tuning??? What is that? A set of 7 harps in ABCDEFG (no Bb?) Price for a set $198 Canadian. The guys above seem to be less than happy about the quality of materials… So is this company ripping off the Chinese original ??? Would anyone have anymore info?

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Easttop are made in China, so i’d be suspicious of stuff coming from india. Very possibly a rip off, or reject stock, or whatever.
I think free blues is a step down from T008K, T002 is similar level but with a different shape and their “pro-20” is a step up.

They make a few chromatics but I’ve no idea what what with those.

Paddy tuning changes 3 blow up a step (so on a C harp it’s A and not G) so you can get that note without the bend on 3 draw.

I’ve had a oo8K for about a week, so I’m going to post my thoughts in the next post.


So, I’ve had one of these EastTop T008Ks in key of A for about a week, and here’s a few thoughts:
My perspective is a noob without much experience, and this is the 2nd hamonica I’ve played.
I thought I’d try one of these to see how they were, thought I’d try a different key to see how that feels and sounds, and with 2nd position being E which would fit with a lot of guitar stuff. I also wanted to see if this “shape” of harmonica was easier or not to get on with than the Seydel session I started with.

Initial impressions of the Easttop:
Needs a bigger change in technique than I had anticipated (my main thought being, i guess going the other way that’s maybe why some folks just don’t like Seydels) - not a mark against the instrument at all, so much that may be a factor in my judgment on the rest of these things.

Much, much more responsive than the Seydel. I had to pull back my breathing considerably. I’m not trying to play hard ever, i’m trying to find the sweet spot where it’s resonating and that’s a lot less force on the easttop.

Bends, again, I’m not good at bending (yet, practice practice) but they initialise a lot easier on the easttop and move a lot more.

High notes are night and day easier to play on the easttop. I know A is a lower key than C but I’m convinced that’s the most major “win” on the easttop. I may look at the gapping to see i can improve the seydel on that front but it give me a boost of “that’s not all you, your harp wasn’t playing as nice as it could have”

Tuning: seems fine to me. I don’t have the best ears in the business but nothing horrible that i picked up.

Tone, which is always subjective, more “boxey” on the easttop, quieter to. Not bad but I prefer the seydel (caveat: i might get better tone or use the tone of easttop better with more time playing it)

Case: on of those semi-ridged plastic cases with a little cloth as well. Seems perfectly fine. I do like the leather pouch you get with a seydel more though.

I bought from ebay - seller was “Easttopharmonica3” who listed it as UK stock, it arrived a few days so that was true. Price was just under £20GBP.

Would I say the Easttop T008K is a good buy? Yes without a doubt.


Thanks, Piglet! I am considering the T008k for my next harp…


I haven’t heard of any counterfeit East Top’s. 008k is GREAT value. East Top all in all is an impressive company.