Famous Alternate Train Imitations

There are several very powerful and beneficial train imitations I believe Harmonica players should be aware of. Each one has its nuances and memorable aspects. I will explore and expand in later posts on each one, but here is the first.

I will included the names and links to each player to help provide some perspective and allow people to hear some more obscure and older recordings.

Sonny Terry- “Harmonica Train” and “Lonesome Train”

Sonny’s Train is characterized by the usual Sonny style chording pattern (yuh duh who hee udda tee ya who do uhhh,) mixed with the fox chase groove, and his characteristic whooping vocalizations.

This is also peppered with his spacial train breathing pattern (Ah who doo doo) where only the first breath is inhale and the last three are exhale.

This is done with a strong articulation. Some of his train imitations are accompanied by Brownie on guitar and are more “Train Songs” rather than simply imitations.

Lonesome Train:

Harmonica Train:


There is one train imitation that I play in additional to the steam locomotive. The diesel engine can be replicated with blows in the 4-6 range. As a train lover I do prefer the traditional one. I steep bend on 1 sounds like a ship coming into harbor on a foggy night. Not something I would send much time but its another arrow in your quiver.

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Wow @davidkachalon I had not been hip to Sonny Terry’s train imitations!! THANK YOU FOR SHARING THESE!!! ESPECIALLY the Lonesome Train one! I hadn’t heard him do anything quite like that.

As with everything Sonny Terry did, it’s so unique.
Brownie McGhee’s approach is very unique as well!

As I’ve mentioned many times, Sonny Terry has been one of the main player’s whose style I’ve been studying for well over a year now, via Joe Filisko’s study song Chasin’ Lost Sonny.

I also made a playlist of all of his songs I could find in this style that area available on Apple Music. If anybody has Apple Music and wants to listen:

If not, and you’re wanting to do a study of his Hootin’ style, you can search for any of his songs that have the word whootin’, whoopin’, hootin’, or also like blowin’ the blues.

So I’m very familiar with the Sonny’s chording, as well as his vocalizing “whooping”.

The “Harmonica Train” recording you shared here sounds to me pretty much like just another variation on that stuff.

But the Lonesome Train link, WOW!! That’s very unique!! And quite different from his other hootin’ stuff. More reminiscent of an actual train imitation.

Thanks again brother. :facepunch:t3::notes:

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