Feed back from vocal mic

(From my list) It is VERY easy to create feedback with a vocal mic. If it’s set too hot or if the PA speakers are in the wrong spot it’s almost impossible to fix. First thing- never grab a vocal mic in the way you would a bullet, ESPECIALLY if it’s not your mic and belongs to the house. You will most likely create feedback as they are not set up to be grabbed tightly. If you must play off a vocal mic try to give it some space and breathing room. Stay back off it and try to use one hand to hold the harp. This will minimize the chance of feedback. Also a pre check and asking the sound guy to bring it down if it’s very hot will help. Feedback is the very worst sound we can produce in a live setting. We never want to cause pain or discomfort to the audience. Feedback is a sign of inexperience . Try not to create it ever.