Filisko tongue block trainer

Just watched Luke introducing this amazing little device in the Octave module and thought how useful one would be. Alas, Joe Filisko will not sell them outside of the US. I could make one but i’m not the handiest DIY guy in the world so before I stab myself with a box cutter I thought i’d ask if anyon else in the UK has managed to find a local seller (or at least someone in the US who isnt afraid of international postage :grin:) Or maybe there is even someone amongst us with a 3D printer and the know-how to churn some out? Here’s hoping :smile:


I make them for all my students and would gladly make you one for free. Just need you to pay postage.


I’d obviously be more than happy to pay postage and something for your time and marerials David. That is very kind of you


No problem at all! They cost me nothing to make but time, and it’s my pleasure. I make tons of em lol Let’s talk via email.


Wow @davidkachalon! You are a class act!!! :pray:t3::heart::notes:

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