Friday night

Yeh. Its Friday night. Its spring. Mates coming over. I’m outside at last. What are you doing Friday night where you are?

Lots to eat and probably drink.


It was a bit crap here today in Renmark S.A., so I’ve spent most of the afternoon and night working on a song I’ve been playing around with on the Cm Harp, trying to write a bass line to my ramblings on harmonica.
I’ve got one part down, but it’s not a song just yet!
My wife and daughter are going to bed, so while I could continue with headphones, I think I’ll give it a rest for today.
I’m not sure if you follow the V8s, but I’m looking forward to the racing tomorrow and Sunday. It’s not looking good for TV and beer outside though unfortunately!


Not much here in SW DE: scattered showers (finally!) and we’ve invited a hiking friend to join us in an hour to eat some antipasti and reduce some wine :partying_face:

We will be looking at some photos of past hiking adventures and perhaps planning some new ones.

– Slim :sunglasses:


I’ve been in Finland for just over the past two weeks, now (I go home tomorrow) so I’ve been just having a good time with my boyfriend :slight_smile:

I’ve been talking to my brother, and asked if he and our mom wanted to go out and eat some day, so that’s maybe what’ll happen when I go home to Denmark


Gig @ Luke’s. MN. Casey Willard photo.


I’m reading this 4 or 5 days later, but just wanted to share with you that I just dropped off my daughter at Stanford. I’m very proud of her. She worked very hard and was blessed with a full ride scholarship.

I’m very impressed with Stanford, and excited for my daughter’s journey there, and exhausted from getting her settled in her dorm, lol. I’ve been over-eating to soothe the emotions saying goodbye to my lil girl! :rofl:


How amazing. You must be so proud. Well done.


Hello @Luke,
the children fledge. Even fathers have to let their daughters out of the nest. :relaxed:
Don’t be too sad, it’s a good path and you can be very proud!

Congratulations on the scholarship!