Going forward!

Hello. My name is Dani, I am Spanish (Murcia). I have turned 60 years old. I don’t speak English (I use a translator). I have been practicing with the harmonica for two years. I am a Blues lover. I have reached a point where I want to progress. I wanted to take the Breakthrough Blues course. But since the videos speak in English and do not have subtitles, I get lost.
Does anyone of you know how to translate a video into another language? Or do you know a tool that can do it. Thank you very much for the information.


Hello @Dani_60,
welcome to our forum!
Your account picture is very beautiful :slightly_smiling_face:.

My English is also not sufficient for the course. I understand Luke well, but in the Breakthrough Blues course the accent is too strong and it’s too complicated.

For other videos without subtitles, I use a second device with a translator to translate. I’ll listen to this and translate it. But that only works with a lot of nonsense in between and is very time-consuming.

I don’t know if there are other options.

Regards from Astrid :woman_in_lotus_position:

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Hmmmmm. I don’t have. an answer right now, but I’m gonna ask around and see if I can help you find any good resources.