Help with an intro to a song

The song: Don’t Speak in English, by Chip Taylor and Carrie Rodriguez
YouTube URL:
Harp key; E flat

The song starts with draw on the 2 hole, then a note that drops. And I can’t for the life of me figure out how to make that sound. Can someone, anyone, please help?

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seems to me it sound like a blow with tongue stop and suck after.
Perhapse a A on second position?

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That’s what I was thinking. Easier said than done :wink: Thanks!

@jayman Hey this song is in the key of F, played on a Bb harmonica, in 2nd position. It’s just
34 34 34 34 -23
And say “oy” on the -23
Eezy peasy lemon breezy
Rock on! :sunglasses:

Let me give this a try and we’ll see how easy peasy lemon breezy it is. Thanks!