Just wanted to share with everyone that I finally got my first overblow, hole 6.
The way I did it was simple; I played a clean blow note on hole 6 and I figured out what I had to do with my embouchure to choke the note off. I did this by slowly making changes in my mouth and tongue. Once I was able to choke the note off, I just went a little farther. The shape of your embouchure is like when you say “he”. Actually some videos I saw guys would say to do the “he” blow. Anyway when I did this the note
Choked off and I started hearing the overblow note squeaking in.
Eventually I was able to play the note a couple times straight which I’m stoked by. I can’t explain really how I did it except for me, it was almost like raising my whole tongue toward the food of my mouth in a very wife U shape, touching the roof with the sides of my tongue. Also for some reason I seem to flare my nostrils when I get the note so that probably moves the soft pallet upwards I’m guessing. Finally it feels like my lips are pushing forward and tightening.
Experiment and see if you can get that squeak to start coming out. Once you do you are rounding third heading home.
Now to practice so I can get the note on demand. Harmonica is so fun and challenging.
Btw if anyone has any suggestions I’m all ears. Also I did not make any adjustments to my reeds…… I am getting the overblown note with an OOTB crossover and also my Seydel 1847s.