I Will Survive on a Pink Hohner Harp (Yes, PINK!)

You can play it too if you’d like, it does require one bend, the -6’ and it’s a very important note in the melody. Here’s the tabs:

Oh no not I. I will survi-ive
-6 -6 -6’ -6 -6 -7 7 -7 -6

Oh as long as I know how to love I know I’ll stay alive
-6 -6 -6 6 6 6 -6 6 6 6 -6 6 6 6 -6

I’ve got all my life to live and I’ve got all my love to give
5 5 5 5 -5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 -5 5 5

And I’ll survive. I will survive. Hey, Hey.
5 5 5 5 -6 -6 5 -6’ -6’ -6

And then I had a lot of fun learning the string part:

-8 7 -6 7 9 -9

8 -8 8 -8 7 -7 7 -7 -6 6

6 -6 6 9 8 -9 8 -8 8 -8

7 -7 7 -6 -7 -6

8 -9 -9 8 -8 7 -7 -6 6 -5 5

-4 4 -3 -3” 3 -2” 2 2 -2” 2

-2” -2 -3” -3 4 -4 5 -5 5

This song is in the key of A minor. When we use our C harmonicas to play in the key of A minor, we call that playing in 4th Position.

If you checked out my video, did you happen to notice the harmonica I’m playing?

I’m playing a sexy pink harmonica!

From whence cometh said sexy pink harmonica?” I hear you ask.

(I’m not sure why you’re speaking to me in Old English, but) I’m glad you asked!

In October, in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month Hohner released a limited edition Special 20 with a pink comb, with a portion of proceeds going to the American Cancer Society.

If you’re a survivor, or if you like collector’s editions, pick one up for yourself or a friend, and support a good cause.

Or if you have a friend or loved one who’s survived cancer, this could also be a great gift for them, even if they’ve never considered playing before!

Let them know you’re glad they’re alive, and spread joy by spreading our wonderful instrument around the world.

You can get one at Rockin Ron’s, or wherever you purchase harmonicas.

We need more harmonicas in the hands of more people. Because playing the harmonica really does make the world a better place! :earth_americas::heart::notes:


@Luke, I’ve been trying out your playing while walking suggestion. Jeepers Mate, it’s hard enough to keep my breath playing while sitting or standing still. By the time I was halfway to the local shops, I was pretty sure you were trying to cause me death by asphyxiation. I will persist, even though I’ve forgotten now, how it’s meant to help me.
If you don’t hear from me again you will know what’s happened:
‘Here lies poor ol’ Papa Curly, he was a good Man, but he forgot to breathe’.


Hey Puffa Pupa. Go home. Its 41 degrees. Im pretty sure that’s not what luke was suggesting.
We want to hear from you again. Try it again in late Autumn.


Oh, poor @PapaCurly, don’t do it! :joy:
I also can’t play my harp in a wheelchair.
If I were to play the harp on the street here in Germany while walking or in the car, someone would definitely come with a straitjacket, the GEMA supervisory authority (Society for Musical Performance and Mechanical Reproduction Rights) or the police… :rofl: No, I hope not that it would be so bad, but the red tape is already getting very high here, unfortunately.
You don’t have to copy everything, right?

Take care! At least neither of us fall into an unsecured construction site while walking :wink:.

Regards from Astrid :woman_in_lotus_position:


You’re so witty Astrid! I think if I did it around where I live people might throw money out of pity. Or maybe to make me stop.


Thanks @toogdog, I went out early, it was only 35 degrees at that time. Even so, you might be right about leaving it until summer has passed. Funnily enough, the people I passed didn’t give me a second look, although of course they may have been thinking I’m a complete nutter.
@AstridHandbikebee63 I googled GEMA, they sound scary! I’m not going to give up on Luke’s recommendation just yet, but you have reminded me to be careful when I try it again. Asphyxiation is probably not the only way it could kill me.


Oh yes :sob::joy:!


@PapaCurly where I live we call it cold when it’s 60 degrees! I couldn’t imagine trying to play in 35 degrees. I’m gonna echo the other sentiments, let it warm up a bit before trying again. Maybe just pace inside your house for now. :wink:


Hi Luke @Luke

I think @PapaCurly means 35°C (= 95°F). He lives down under.

– Slim :sunglasses:


Ha! Thanks @Slim typical American here :see_no_evil: knowing nothing about the metric system. :rofl:

In that case: KEEP ON WALKING @PapaCurly. You got this! :facepunch:t3: JUST DON’T WALK TOO FAST and do it early morning or in the evening please!!


No worries @Luke, yes @Slim is correct about the temperature. I think it’s nice that there are people from all over the world brought together on this forum.
Yeah, I might need to ease up a bit, the summers here are HOT HOT!