If guitar companies made harmonicas

Like many on here (I imagine) I am primarily a guitar player, so I thought: if guitar companies bought out harmonica companies who would they match to?

This is all just a bit if fun obviously but if you can think of others or you disagree feel free to add your own list :laughing:

Ps I know Fender aleady make Harmonicas, but they don’t really do they?

Gibson - Seydel. Oldest company in the industry making top quality instruments

Fender - Hohner. Special 20 bought quality harps to the masses just like the stratocaster

PRS - Arkia. Bit left field for people who want something different to the main two. Extremely well built, quite flashy but questionably pricy

Ibanez - Lee Oskar. Shook the market up a bit with their low tuned harps and made the big boys take note

Yamaha - Suzuki. Unquestionably well built harps but just never seem to create much excitement


Check out Bushman and Kongsheng. Very nice and high quality for the $ price. ….but no they don’t make guitars.


Yes i’m aware of both brands but they are hard to get in the UK. Bushman would probably be bought out by an American custom guitar maker like Suhr?

As an aside you mentioned the Bushman ‘gamechanger’ harp looked very similar to the Trochilus in another thread. I emailed Rockin Rons to see if they would ship me a Bushman to the UK. They said no but said it was only marketed as a Bushman in the US and as a JDR Trochilus in the rest of the world. I assume from thaf that Bushman dont make them,
But JDR supply them to them with Bushman cover plates