Improv over a single chord

Hi all, @Luke

Often I find when improvising live with a band they’ll nod me for a solo and then comp playing a single chord.

This can sometimes be tricky without hearing a typical 12 or 8 bar progression to play your solo around.

Do any of you have any tips or suggested recordings to listen to for inspiration.

@Luke how do you approach this?

All the best



Hi Neil @Sunseeker95

You might want to study this video by Jason Ricci (unless you already have done so).


– Slim :sunglasses:


Many thanks @slim. That’s an epic video and just what I’ve been looking for. I’ll keep working on this and try to work out how to condense it when the solo is for a short period, typically what would be once or maybe twice round on a normal chord progression,

Thanks again.



I second @Slim response. Jason Ricci goes deep on soloing with limited notes, chords, etc.

Great stuff - Worth spending time watching!


Hey Neil - this is a great question, and brother Jason Ricci’s video that @Slim shared is great. This is also a great example of where it’s important to feel 4-bar and 8-bar phrases like I talked about in this post, and to have your solo, like a story, have a beginning, middle and end which I discuss in this video where I’m soling over a 2-chord vamp, but it’s the same idea:

LMK if that helps and if you have any further questions. :facepunch:t3: