I returned the Harmo Polar with much disappointment. I got my money back and I found a Suzuki pro master in one of the keys I wanted, also I marine band deluxe ( both in F) also a SP 20 In G ( replacing old harps in my collection) I’ve not had a chance to play them yet as it’s early evening now I won’t be able to play them tomorrow unfortunately. I was surprised at the Suzuki it’s a weighty beautiful looking thing with an aluminum comb can’t wait to see how it plays, The Marine Band deluxe again I got at a very reasonable price. I saw an interview with Rick Estrin saying he uses these ( I’m not sure but I think Joe Filisko customizes them for him?) And the SP 20 Well these I’ll always buy because they are extremely reliable in quality they are my go to harp every time, so no need to write about that
I think, for factory harps, after a certain price point (maybe $60 USD or so) you are no longer paying for objective production quality and are instead paying for a combination of personal preference and reputation.
I settled on Seydel 1847 classics. I don’t claim they are objectively any better than a Marine Band or a Sp20, but I do have a high confidence it will be very good quality out of the box it has a certain set of subjective qualities I prefer; and no matter what harp I get I’m going to do my own gapping, reed shaping, mods, etc to make it feel and play how I want it to feel and play.
After that there is a price chasm until you get to customized harps, which of course are a different ballgame. They are artisanal quality at artisanal prices.
I do love Seydel harps I’ve got a few Wilde tuned ones, I literally look for good harps at as low as I can get em. I check reviews etc. I’ve been playing SP 20’s since they first appeared on the market, which was a long time ago. Before that I was playing the standard issue Marine bands which back then were bloody awful, they put me of playing wooden combs for thirty odd years, I recently saw an interview with Rick Estrin singing the praises of the MB deluxe. I happened to stumble upon one at a very reasonable price. I thought what the hell let’s give it a go. Result best wooden combed harp I’ve ever played. I can get some lovely Big Walter Horton sounds from it. Still not fond of the comb though. I do love my new Suzuki pro master plays like a dream and it’s got some heft and the tone due to the aluminum comb is brilliant, I love it especially for Sonny Boy Williamson II style it’s really cool. I’m spreading my wings more into trying new harps. I bought a Harmo Polar but was disappointed I’d have thought for how much I paid the engineering quality or their quality control would’ve been better but no, A very loose reed on first hole, I looked at it, and I just don’t have the specific tools for reattaching reeds, I’m pretty good at my set ups etc, I know how I like my harps to play, but my knowledge doesn’t stretch to reattaching reeds. I would love to try a Golden Melody but the write ups for the new designed ones are not great so I probably won’t. If I buy a harp I want to be 100% happy with it.