J S Bach's Harmonica Music

My interpretation of Passepieds I & II, English keyboard Suite no. 5, of J S Bach:


Very nice @FreetheReeds . Will you be posting it on your youtube channel too?

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`That is great sounding @FreetheReeds !!

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Thank you so much, Dave.

On youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-s9CcPYS-k


That was amazing very beautiful indeed. Classical music is not in my wheel house at all really although I do love, Gilbert and Sullivan. But this is playing way above my level.

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Thank you! Yes, Gilbert and Sullivan are a riot.


Thank you @FreetheReeds . That allows me to post a link to it in another Forum where I’m sure it will be appreciated. :smile:


Thank you!


@FreetheReeds welcome to the forum. What a blessing! What harmonica are you playing on this recording? Rock on! :sunglasses:

Thank you, Luke! I used a Hohner Chrometta 12, key of G, which gives me the range of a violin. I retired from the Postal Service several years ago, where the empty miles on my rural route afforded time for intensive practice. Now I use a Suzuki Chromatic which I like pretty well.


That is so cool, I’ve been lucky enough to get Jobs in the past that allowed me to practice.

More Bach

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Welcome to the forum. Your playing is inspirational. I love the style. So nice when professional musicians who can play multiple instruments join. I am starting to get blues but it’s a steep curve. This is the kind of music I grew up with. Beautiful and beautifully done.

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Thank you for your kind words. In fact, I’m not a professional but I might work something up for an open mike once or twice a year, plus going to old time fiddle jams to play my Harmonica. A YouTube video takes months or years at my rate. Slowly, one note at a time. I use a metronome for hard parts and try to remember that accuracy builds speed–speed doesn’t build accuracy.