Licks I came up with...and a question

I thought I would share this here - Here is a few licks I came up with and I wanted to ask for feedback.

The last lick is from a song I heard, but I don’t know the artist or the name of the song. If anyone has any ideas, this is probably one of the craziest Harmonica songs I’ve heard!

Also, as you can probably tell from my recording, I am struggling with a stuck reed on my ‘A’ harp…Is there a way to fix this?


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Hi @Dk360

It should definitely be possible to improve your “stuck” reed(s). The solution, however, varies with the cause: Is the reed just responding with a delay? Does the problem occur when playing loudly or only softly or both? Is the problem in a draw reed or a blow reed? Does the problem also occur when playing the one note in isolation, rather than when it is played as part of a series of notes (i.e. in a lick)? How much experience do you have working on a harmonica (i.e. Have you ever taken one apart? If so, what other things have you ever done concerning harp maintenance?)?

It also helps us, when you ask about such problems, to tell us the key of the harmonica, which reed is the problem (hole number and whether it is the draw or blow reed), and if the problem is when playing the note “straight” or “bent” or both.

Long story, I know. Short answer: save us time and effort by supplying more information (as asked for above).

– Slim :sunglasses:



I think I got it figured out - I played my Harmonica (Lee Oscar key of A) for about 15-20mins more and the stuck reed cleared itself. Probably gunk from playing.

Do you recognize that last lick I played in the file I attached in my post? I heard it on the radio, but I couldn’t make out the lyrics to find the song.

Thanks for your help!

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Hi @Dk360

Sorry but I cannot help you with that.

– Slim :sunglasses:



Have you tried taking the harp apart and looking directly down on the reed while holding it above a white piece of paper. You may see the reed is not straight up or the space between the reed and plate is larger in a certain area? If the reed passes through the slot without any resistance see if the gap is different from the reeds that play well, especially the reeds close to your stuck reed. With face plates off your can adjust and play the reed without the face plates. Adjust the stuck reed until it starts to respond correctly and make very small adjustments until its fixed.

Hi Scott @scott4

I think your good advice is directed at @Dk360 because he is the one having the problem. I always do the examination that you describe, but I use a smartphone with a white screen as my backlight to do the checking: I can place the reed plate on it – sort of like using a “light box”.

– Slim :sunglasses:



Opps Sorry for the wrong number.


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