Little help with a Tab please

Hi all! The tab is just 1 line and in theory should be pretty easy
4b 3’ 2d 2" 2d
How it’s SUPPOSED to be:

However I can’t seem to get the last note to sound correct:

  • I tried making it more abrupt/stucutto, etc, but it’s like the note in the video is completely different to what I’m playing - is it the intonation? the timing? thanks in advance!

EDIT: Okay re-listening to it and to myself and experimenting a bit more, part of it seems to make the final note last longer, however the notes are still somewhat different - the example also used a C harmonica.

EDIT2: Okay, after even more re-listening, I now think it’s the rythm (or my lack thereof) - will need to do some more “playing along” with the recording tomorrow to hopefully “get it”

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Your right mate, your Rythm is very convoluted try tapping your feet getting the notes on the beats you want or use a metronome. This track sounds very familiar to me? What is it?

thanks Andy!
After more practice, I think I’m getting there,

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Try working with a metronome very slowly and gradually build up to the speed you want. I find that a really useful tool

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Hi Andy! Your advice with the meteonome helped!
I think I’m finally making some progress to make it sound not just “bluesy” but as in the original:

  • made the 1st note longer and also let the last one hang there for a second
  • articulation. the whole thing goes “wha tuu tuu tuu pew pew”

Next step: making it sound good.

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That’s great @yuriythebest it’s a bit early here I’ll have a listen when my wife wakes up

I gave it a listen, all you have to do now is speed it up and get it fluid. Maybe work on your tone a little bit too, play more from the back of the throat in the deeper sounding sections

Great job though

Hi all! (especially Andy2)
I’ve been focusing on my speed, and think I’ve reached a level where I’m now more or less ok with the rhythm and am now hitting diminishing returns in terms of improvement:

(btw this artsy video style is cause I recorded on a webcam and the video quality was really bad, but this makes it look stylish n’ stuff and fits the mood)

for comparison, here is the “perfect” version by Jason Ricci

I think right now the biggest difference is note clarity (his aren’t muffled whereas mine often are) and also he is able to produce that “springiness” in them each time when needed. Also I find it’s often hard to both have the -3" bend AND have it sound beautiful at the same time.

  • the biggest challenge for me isn’t really the “speed”, the 'rhythm", the enunciated notes or the bends, it’s hawing all 4 at the same time that’s the super hard bit.
  • I feel a bit like one of those students in a parable where an art teacher comes in and draws a perfect circle on the board, and tells the student when they can do that they’ll know how to draw.
  • Also, I feel like I’m going crazy a bit with trying to match the rythm of the original - like even though I’m playing the same notes it’s still not the same tune. I’ve tried many times to “play along” and then record soon after, to prolongue the first note, to enuciate the final two notes, it’s still somehow “different” even though by now I have the original literally etched into my memory like a .WAV file in my brain
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Hi @yuriythebest it’s really coming on your are getting the timing, try to play the single notes on the phrase clearer, and break it right down play the first three notes over and over until you build up the speed. Trying adding what sounds like the incidental notes at the end,big it doesn’t work, do exactly the same with the second half of the phrase trying to get it as clear and precise as possible then put them together, to get the bounce try the metronome again and try saying in your head “1, 2, and a 3” this should give you the bounce. I’ve been working on a speed thing all day, yes I relate it does drive you nuts, ( my wife too apparently! :joy::joy:) keep going you are really starting to get there, the feel usually comes when you’ve got all the notes in place and you can get it up to tempo, but I feel your pain!