Little Riff I learned today

November 26 I purchased lessons. I’m loving going through the lessons with Luke and think he does an amazing job and I find it very easy to follow along and learn. Because the way my brain works(can’t sit still) I have sprinkled in some lessons from Harmonica Barge and Juzzie Smith. I really enjoy Juzzie’s music and the lessons. I learned this little riff today and it’s pretty fun to play. Even learned how to bend a note(at least I think I am doing it correctly). Let me know what you all think! I suppose I will just upload my stuff to YouTube as that seems to be the way to share…


Bravo :clap: friend

Fun riff and you sound great :+1:

Oh and I also enjoy Juzzies lessons

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Thank you!

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Sounds great @davemacinnh - yep! Nice little -1’ bend! Rock on! :sunglasses:

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Thanks @Luke !! If I’m being completely honest I wouldn’t be where I am right now if it wasn’t for your lessons. They have been a great help!

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So glad to hear it @davemacinnh. You’re off to the races man. Keep up the great work!

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That’s great, very clear timing is spot on. Keep it up

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Thank you sir!