Hey guys,
I just wanted to post this short video of me playing a bit on my old Hohner Bluesband that I found in my car today. Open to any feedback or comments or whatever. Thanks so much!
Hey guys,
I just wanted to post this short video of me playing a bit on my old Hohner Bluesband that I found in my car today. Open to any feedback or comments or whatever. Thanks so much!
Hi @Michaelgb93. I’m sorry you haven’t had any feedback. It’s a curious thing that we are all encouraged to post recordings, but when we do, there’s usually very few replies. Other posts that have little or nothing to do with harmonica, sometimes get lots of traction. There’s nowt so queer as folk.
I would love to be able to help you, but I can’t provide any technical advice as I don’t have any technical knowledge. You seem to have some pretty good breath control, and I think that’s an important step. You seem confident and that’s a good thing too. Well done for recording yourself and sharing it. I hope you get some advice from those who are able to instruct.
Yes as Papa says your very brave to put yourself out there for comments. I know how hard that is. Obviously I’m only guessing but I think you have a kind of backing track playing in your head and your grooving a long to it. Thats great but it can be difficult for others to interpret. Maybe try playing a very recognised simple tune to test your ability to hit clear single notes then you’ll probably get the feedback you want. Otherwise you could groove along to a backing track to give your playing more melodic fullness. You could try this nice slow one on your C harmonica https://youtu.be/1JTMLOKIXcY?si=MFxDhqOC5SKU5oLu
The main thing is are you happy with you sound? If not maybe ask some of the profs here how to fix your specific issues. If your happy just grooving away that’s all you need!
You absolutely need to play along with a backing track. Otherwise it is very difficult to give much feedback about your playing.
Thank you all so much for your comments. I believe I can see pretty much exactly what you mean and I’m going to take it all to heart. Playing with a backing track especially makes sense. I appreciate your feedback, so thanks again!