Louisiana blues style octaves

Update: I found the answer, video linked below.

What exactly makes a Louisiana Blues style octave happen?

It seems like harmonica players there play an octave, and then some other octave right after it that I can’t find on my harp.



Great video thanks. Loved it. My son used to love zydeco music. Also this is another reason adding a little tongue to your tool box of talent just gives you more to play with. @davidkachalon


The split three using the Tb is the way to get that Cajun sound!


In the splits section of Beginner to Boss I talk a lot about 36 split, and specifically I talk about the kind of horn call riffs that Jason mentions in this vid: -14 25 36. Those are used in Cajun music as well as more traditional Blues music.

But HERE’S the real SECRET to the Cajun blues splits

For the I chord: -36 -47

Those are the magic money Cajun splits that you don’t come across in traditional Blue music.

And for the V chord -46

You’ll notice that’s a Split-3. Split-3’s are much less commonly played than split-4’s. But there’s a Lot of gorgeous harmonies to be discovered playing them.

The -46 in particular is helpful in Cajun music, from:

I Chord -47 to
V Chord -46 to
IV Chord 46 (or 47, or the more traditional 36. You can blow anywhere and be in the IV chord, so plenty to explore here!)