Marble Amp

Hi. I have the chance to purchase a Marble 15 watt amp. Is a 15 watt powerful enough to be heard with a band? It can be mic’d up but just checking for advice, thanks.


Yes, if the band sets their volume levels based on “you can always hear the harmonica”. My last gig, outdoors at a winery, I used an 8w (undistorted) amp for harp (can be pushed to 12-14w distorted) and a 17w for the p.a. - two guitars, bass, and drums. If you need more volume, mic it through the house p.a. It gets harder if you play with blues rockers


@tess848ducati that’s a hard question to answer because you can have two 15W amps that put out different amounts of loudness.

But you SHOULD be good to go with a 15W amp in a small club if you’re not playing with a band that’s trying to be as loud as The Who.

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Thanks so much…they are blues/rock and I guess seem loud as when I practice with them it’s on a small room. I think I’ll take the chance and buy the amp mainly because it’s a harp amp and shouldn’t have issues with feedback :weary:

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Thanks Luke. I’m only guest playing with the boys who play kinda blues/rock. But they are loud. It’s a gamble spending 800 quid on it but think worth a punt. I e tried numerous fender amps and all bad for feedback!

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What wattage were the Fenders that you struggled with feedback? And what kind of mic are you using?

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I use a bulletini with volume control. I’ve tried numerous amps in the hope of buying. Latterly an expensive Harp Trainwhere I couldn’t get the tone (nor could my 50yr experienced friend) and it fed back. Then I tried a fender blues deluxe 50w which had awful feedback. All I’m after is a substantial amp for playing with a fairly loud band that has no feedback and Chicago tone (I get the tone has to come from me) but…boy it’s a minefield with lots of people having lots of opinions and only complicate matters for me anyway :weary:


Interesting. And are you having the feedback issues when you’re miking it through the PA, or just alone with the amp? Have you experimented with standing further away from the amps? Did you pull the trigger on the Marble 15W?

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Hey Luke. Yeh I backed out buying the Marble. Incidentally I bought a Hohner harp blaster on Fri and it’s super nice to hold, and sounds great. Sadly, they sold me the wrong lead so I couldn’t use it Sat night for my one guest song as wouldn’t work through their pa. The guy has a lead he’ll give me which should work. We’ll see! I’m trying to work on tone which is tough cos I’ve got no idea!

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