
Hi all. I’m currently reading a book about memory, actually for the second time as there’s a lot to take in. It’s called ‘The rag and bone shop’ by ‘Veronica O’Keane’. It pretty much validates in a clinical sense, everything that Luke and others have said about memory in relation to playing harmonica. Although the book isn’t about music, it does explain how the brain assigns more importance to repeated inputs of sensation and postulates that neurons that fire together, wire together. So, in that way, it explains why memory and sensation interweave to translate tunes to musical instruments. If you’re not an avid reader of non-fiction, it might be too much to absorb. I have to refer to google dictionaries about every second page to find the meaning of a word. If you are an avid reader of non-fiction, you might find it interesting. I’ve found it to be a fascinating book in its own right with the added bonus of reaffirming how we remember and translate tunes to the harp. I’m not playing any better, but I’m encouraged to persist.


Thanks I’ve downloaded it.


My input for what its worth, and how i approach memory and how i reinforce it in relation to harp.
First, i listen over and over to a riff, melody or whatever. Not enough!
Second, i will whistle over the tune, again and again.
Third, i will play it on harp note by note, writing it down in tab form as i go.
Fourth, i read the tab, imagining the notes, draw and blow, bends, and timing.
Fifth, ill play it over the original song.
I guess what im saying is, im reinforcing my memory of the piece with layers. I think the more layers you can utilise, the better. Listen, whistle, play, write, read, play. Works for me, im 68 yrs old, and the old grey matter struggles sometimes.


Thanks for the book reco! :books: I am always happy to find a book that will inspire me to continue my journey with music and the harmonica!

I am currently reading/ hearing the audiobook The Music Lesson: A Spiritual Search for Growth Through Music by Victor L. Wooten and even though it has a lot of technical wording regarding music it still inspiring to hear how music is much more than just notes. The audiobok is also filled with music too, so it’s a fun time.

Happy reading and happy harpin! :smiley:


@Lluvia_Magica I’ve read it twice over the years, plus listened to the audiobook as well! :sunglasses: Fun book. He wrote a sequel as well, which I never checked out.