My diaphragm breathing is terrible

I’ll be honest, maybe unknowingly, but i have never intentionally used my diaphragm (apart from compulsory biological functions the diaphragm is used for :smiley: ).

I was following along to a youtube video, its really helped. but quick blow and draws in a rapid style, my diaphragm cant keep up. I can maybe to a couple, but them my throat, chest and breathing are basically saying “hang on a minute. which one is next?” like my mind is thinking about the 4th blow note when i am on the second :smiley:

I have a few more pounds on my belly than i should, does excess body weight affect the efficiency of the diaphragm on the harmonica

I am following this video:

At 7:33 there are some quick blow and draws and i stumble at that sort of thing.

Or is it just a simple case of practice slowly and build speed over time. I am probably over thinking it :smiley:


Yeah I wouldn’t worry about it, the guy can’t do math. There are not infinite combinations of breathing in a 4 beat measure. :upside_down_face:


Hello @SaucyGibbon,
yes, it takes practice, a lot of practice, to be able to play fast songs. Can be years :person_shrugging: :female_sign::smile:!

Best regards from Astrid :woman_in_lotus_position:

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This may sound off key but I learned to use it when I was a duck hunter. How about buying a cheap duck call and learn to sound it w/o filling your mouth with air?. It sounds unusual for this forum but this helped me significantly. Fellow hunters that tried to use their mouth and not their diaphragm had to learn. It sounded bad and some learned how. Keeping everything still when using it will force you to develop the process. It just comes easier for some people but I feel anyone can do it.


3 Likes I’m pretty fat and it doesn’t affect my breathing, in fact I have severe asthma. I can draw longer than this, up to about 30 seconds.


Does anyone know any Tabs that are good for practising the use of the Diaphragm? I have been practicing with holes 1-2-3 Blow-Draw_Blow. I feel like i am forcing the diaphragm.

Does anyone know any beginner level exercises? "An Idiots Guide to the Diaphragm " :smiley:

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@SaucyGibb0n, as soon as you pick up your harp and play it, whether it’s a scale or a song, you train your diaphragm and the many small, untrained muscles.

I always notice that my side ribs hurt a little the next day. Is that what you call sore muscles… :wink:

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Thanks bud :slight_smile:

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Undulate your diaphragm, Don’t do it like your going to swim under water, just put the harp up and breathe in and out, nothing special, pull and push with the muscle, just below the rib cage, it may be a little padded but it is there.


Just do all of them and not just one hole but three or more too. Just breath in and out, don’t try any specific note, like Buddy Guy’s song, play by feel!


Exactly, any wind instrument offers skills.


I recommend “Rythmns of the Breath” by Howard Levy. This both boosted my speed and gave me ideas for chord patterns, but also just overall improved my breathing. The first 5 sections can be done by about anyone, then it starts to ramp up. I don’t think you can do the exercises without it almost automatically improving your diaphragmatic breathing, from whatever your starting point. It’s kind of like learning to juggle if you want to improve at a sport. It’s like the drumming book “Stick Control” but for the breath.


Hello @colinmort,
I also have the book “Rythmns of the Breath” and can highly recommend it!

Best Regards from Astrid :woman_in_lotus_position:

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Hello @GreenStamps,
when I started playing the harp, I was too tense because I was always looking for the right time to breathe. Result: I was gasping for breath :rofl:!

Now I just start playing and my breathing during a song works automatically, even though I’m always a bit sniffly due to a pollen allergy.

Best Regards from Astrid :woman_in_lotus_position:

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That’s why you use your nostrils as a safety valve and you can breathe as you play, a note can be sustained until Shiloh comes with this nose action, make sure the snot is not in the way. But be easy, gentle, treat the reed, like caressing a woman, coaxing it, feel the vibration, like I posted before, Buddy Guy, “I Go By Feel.” Excellent song too.

How long have you been learning or playing the harmonica?
Also, I like men more… :smile:!

I don’t use my diaphragm very much on the 1.2 and 3 holes. Try the other end of the harp, especially draws. Helps make cleaner notes and significantly helps with breathing. Using your diaphragm is something you can learn but using it during practice will get you started. I suggest sitting in a chair and not blowing and remaining still may cause you to use it by default. Watch a good trumpet player like herb Alpert play. The trumpet takes much more air. Pay close attention to a trumpet player and they will not show much if any movement. Some are born with the ability and others learn. Play high notes lightly and try the diaphragm. It will come to you and when it does you will use it by default, meaning when its necessary yours will be used without thinking about it. Keep your mouth still and see how that works.



I said that to my wife and :fist_left: :face_with_head_bandage: it didn’t work very well :crazy_face:

– Slim :sunglasses:


Well, think of your mom or sister in a familial way, like "mom, I want a harmonica with your green stamps you saved (rubbing her shoulders), circa 1968. Answers both questions. Green Stamps was ol’ timey rewards at grocery stores. Marine Band, wood comb in the key of C, I lost it moving circa 1983.

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If you have access to a trumpet play it. Without using your diaphragm its next ti impossible to play it well. Louis Armstrong is famous for those huge cheeks but he is the only one I ever saw that did this. It takes much more effort and your diaphragm kicks in, provided you keep still while playing it.

I do fee; use of the diaphragm is necessary for sharper notes and breathing control. Stay with it. Try sitting still and blowing outward very hard without letting any air escape. You should feel your stomach contract and your diaphragm above it contracting.
