I thought I would share this 90 minute harmonica documentary for everyone to enjoy. As a newbie I found it quite interesting. Pocket Full of Soul The Harmonica Documentary - YouTube
COOL @BlindFarmer! Looking forward to checking this out man!
I hope you enjoy it.
I watched and enjoyed Pocket Full of Soul whilst waiting on my first harp arriving.
I also found this BBC documentary from 2007 on YouTube: “Tin Sandwich anyone?”
Both of them are great. I preferred Pocket Full Of Soul. Both are great for helping learn from history.
Thanks for the info, this was great!!
You are welcome. The harmonica is a fun instrument.
They took it down
Hey @bob DARN IT! I had literally JUST been thinking, “it’s time for me to check out that movie!” Aarrggh. I can’t find it anywhere. Google said Amazon, and Amazon said “this isn’t available in your location.”
If anyone finds a link, paid or otherwise, please post it here!
You can purchase it on Vimeo for $3.99. It says $5.99 but, when I bought it yesterday (have only watched a few mins so far), it only charged me $3.99 plus tax.
What’s that long gold harmonica on thumbnail? Is cheap Chinese tremolo or was it edited to show past his hands more to attract more views?
Seems to be gone now after I reported it for misleading thumbnail though
Here’s the other upload of it though https://youtu.be/clsGakOc8AE
No idea about the thumbnail tbh, my guess is it’s a tremolo rather than a photoshop job.