Reeds not working

Hello all.
Discovered another malfunctioning reed on my Sydel. This is the second one where the 3rd blow and draw hole went silent. have tried to follow you tube videos to try some troubleshooting but any other input might be more helpful. Also considering going back to Hoener’s (Rocket Amp) or maybe try a new company called Harmo. TIA


Hello @peg_T,
did I understand correctly that you already have the second reed defective on the same Seydel Harp? What does defective mean? For me, a defect is when a reed is broken or bent due to a fall or excessive play! Both on the move or blow? I find it rather untypical for Seydel. Have you opened the harp and looked at the reeds and held them up to the light? Are the reeds in the middle of the canal or are they on one side? Have you used a magnifying glass :mag_right: and light to see if there are micro crumbs of something hidden?
Have you gently picked at the reed tips with a toothpick to hear if they sound?
Did you rinse it briefly with lukewarm water, pat it gently on a towel and let it air dry with the comb openings, without a heater?
Do you warm up your harps to hand warmth before playing? This is especially important in regions with cold temperatures. In warm regions, the reeds quickly stick together due to saliva.

Regards from Astrid :woman_in_lotus_position:


Hi @peg_T. I have two Seydel Blues Session harps in G. First one went silent on hole 5 and I was unable to fix it. Bought a second one and within a few weeks holes 4,5 & 6 had started producing a minor key. I’ve tried all the things suggested by @AstridHandbikebee63 and can’t fix either of them. Shame, because they look great, sound awesome and aren’t cheap. I have about 20 harps but only these Seydels have gone wrong in seemingly unfixable ways. Maybe Seydels are more fragile or sensitive than other makes?


Hello @barry.bolton,
I’m negatively surprised :astonished:! So far I have not heard of such extreme cases from Seydel Harps.
I also play single diatonic Seydels without any problems.
Only my chromatic had problems quickly. I sent it in under warranty, returned it after 8 weeks and I’m happy with it. However, I rarely play them.

Regards from Astrid :woman_in_lotus_position:


Hi @barry.bolton

The Seydel Blues Session harp has brass reeds (where I live it costs slightly less than a Hohner Special 20). These are less resistant than the stainless steel reeds that are used in the Seydel Blues Session Steel harps (which cost more).

If you have the brass reeds you may be using too much pressure when playing (although material defects for harps in this price range are not uncommon).

If you have the stainless steel reeds you are either very unlucky (defective harp) or you are definitely playing with too much pressure.

Too avoid buying new reed plates or new harps it is essential to learn how to do minor reed adjustments and cleaning on your harps.


Hi, Barry
I’ve had the same trouble with a Sydel in another key too. Took it apart and tried all those things too, with no luck. I guess I will take this one apart and see what I can do to troubleshoot it, and get a Hoener Rocket as a backup. Thanks all for the suggestions. Been looking at the Harmo brand harmonicas and intrigued. Anyone ever try them?


@Slim thanks for clarifying the difference between the Blues Session and the Blues Session Steel. I guess that should’ve been obvious to me, but there ya have it. :see_no_evil: