East Top T008K

@Slim, you described it excellently for me, since I had assumed it to be similar, but of course the experiences are missing.
I had already suspected the squeaking on the bend, as one of my harps made the noise and none of the others did. For me it sounds so uncomfortable as if the harp is really tormenting itself and is always “calling for help”. I seem to recall noticing it on my hands due to the nature of the reinforcement.
Thank you again!

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Awesome Slim. I’ve been looking forward to this post for a long time. And so that cured the squealing that happens on Lee Oskars when you try to do overblows? Did it have any negative side-effects (less responsive, more difficult to bend, darker tone, anything like that?)

I hadn’t thought about wax melting in the heat! Good point!

Thanks again,


Hi Luke @Luke,

Yes, that cured the squealing for my Lee Oskar (and several Suzuki harps) for all bendings (draws, blows & overblows). In fact bending became easier (especially overblows) – but I also did reed flattening and slot embossing (both of which alone can dramatically ease bending problems and improve responsiveness by decreasing “lost” air; or, said another way, by increasing air-flow efficiency).

The LO harps became less “tinny”/metallic sounding, the Suzuki harps did not change their tonality.

The primary drawback is that almost all reeds needed to be tuned again. But I have a small electric drill that I use to do that.

– Slim :sunglasses:


Have you ever considered using a uv activated glue like bondic?


No, I have not. I suppose it would also work. For me the quickest, easiest and cheapest is what I tend to use.

– Slim :sunglasses:


I am new at Harmonica and just got to bending in the @Luke beginner to boss course. Imagine my excitement when I learned how easy and advantageous it was to use Brendan Powers method of reed work on my Lee Oskar New TOOL & METHOD for IMPROVING HARMONICA REED RESPONSE - YouTube
Really made it easier to bend in tune and not have that squeal. I was very careful with application and no tuning adjustment was required. I used a .02mm feeler gauge to run up the reed slot. Stoked


Hi rich3 @rich3
I’ve seen this video before and it looked very interesting. Did you emboss the reeds as well, as Brendan suggests?

How did it improve your Lee Oskar?
Is it worth doing?


@Dai I did not emboss the reeds, and I only did #4 blow & draw. I’m new so taking it slow testing before after. Just the finger nail paint on it’s own made a big difference. I’m not going to emboss at this point but I’m going back and apply the polish up and down.


Hi @rich3

Funny thing – I also did this on several of my Lee Oskar harps! It worked really well and it’s fast compared to other methods of reed work to eliminate the air loss at the base of the reed. I ruined several harps trying to do the bending at the reed base …

– Slim :sunglasses:


@Slim you said that use a small electric drill you use for tuning. I noticed Andrew Zajac using something like that in one of his vids. I thought it might be a dremel? Can you please take a photo of yours or share the make/model/bit type or send a link to something comparable?


@Luke I saw that video and even though I have a Dremel, I thought I’d try this Battery powered $9 and I bought this for closing the reed gap at the base nail gel. I also got this feeler gauge Stainless Steel Feeler Gauge and use the . 02mm for cutting the gel, and the 1mm tip I used my Dremel to cut a notch to make a reed wrench.


Hi Luke @Luke

Exactly that shown by @rich3 will work just fine. Mine is larger but was on sale at a local store so I just went with it and it also does the job.

– Slim :sunglasses:


Thanks guys!


Take a look at this idea of using gaskets to achieve the same ting as the nail polish.

Hi @Dai

It is a good idea and similar to something that Brendan Power sold (perhaps still sells) for his Lucky 13 harps (that unfortunately did not really improve anything for me on the Lucky 13 …).

However, the price for the Bluexlab gasket (20€) is quite a bit more than one of the nail polish pens (ca. 5-6€), and that gasket is only for one harp while the nail polish can be used on numerous harps. I just used it (the nail polish) on a poorly set-up (from the factory!) Rocket amp and it made a dramatic improvement in the playability: better bending and, for both the blow and draw reeds, better responsiveness. I first did the embossing of the end part of the reed slots (2/3rds of the slot length starting from the free reed end) as B. Power says in the video.

I will now try it on my new Golden Melody that just arrived because it is a disaster: reed gaps and shapes that make good, easy draw bends basically impossible !! :astonished: I guess mine was a “Friday Lemon” … At least it sounds really good and is quite loud compared to the older Golden Melody models.

I think that I just have more bad luck than others when buying Hohner harps. :roll_eyes:

– Slim :sunglasses:


Hello @Slim,
I’m curious how my New Golden Melody will be in Bb tuning? However, this has a delay of at least 4 weeks in delivery.

What key did you treat yourself to?
Maybe Hohner is “somewhat” overwhelmed at the moment and the quality is suffering? They don’t seem to be quite behind on the deliveries, who knows?

I’ve had the Rocket Amp Progressive in C, G, and A for a while. Mine work great on all tones. In the meantime, I almost prefer it to my “old” Golden Melody. It’s always a difficult decision :smiley:.

Regards Astrid :woman_in_lotus_position:


Hi Astrid @AstridHandbikebee63

My new GM is in the key of G. My unfortunate Rocket amp is in A. The time spent working on them has definitely improved their playability, but it is not something that should necessary for harps in this price category.

I was surprised tha my GM was delivered so quickly. I ordered from Thomann.de.

– Slim :sunglasses:


Yes, my New GM also comes from Thomann. Bb is not so common (but I like the key). It was supposed to come last week, now around 04/10.
My new custom blues for the Bb isn’t quite ready yet, so I can wait.
I have my microphone back for that :smiley:.


I’ll have to give the Brendan Power technique a go sometime. Not a fan of Honer harps. Over rated as far as quality control goes. Mine are mainly Seydel and a few Suzuki’s.


Hi @Dai

I have probably about equal numbers of Hohner & Seydel harps … probably a few more Hohner harps because they are cheaper than the 1847s.

I think it is worth trying the nail polish method on any harp that has notable “airy” sounds when playing bends – and then do it for both the draw and blow reeds in that hole. I also have begun to experiment with my own do-it-yourself, “poor man’s” air flow control system like the Arkia harps have – and so far the results are promising.

– Slim :sunglasses: