Save my Soul By Noah Rinker

Hello, I love save my soul by noah rinker and also a lot of zach bryan which has recently inspired me to pick up my grandad’s old harmonica that we have had for years. I can’t find any tabs for save my soul despite searching the internet high and low. Anyone got any ideas??

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@alexh3 I love that these guys are inspiring people to pick up the harmonica. This is a really beautiful song, thanks for turning me onto it. Beautiful voice. So sweet.

He’s playing on a C harmonica, and this should get you pointed in the right direction:

34 45 -45 56
56 -45 45 56
-45 45 -34 34

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Hey can you do a video on it maybe? Not sure how long to hold these notes for. A good visual would help

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Hey @OnyxJD - welcome to the forum! Glad you’ve joined. Here’s my advice, and what I’ve always done to learn the harmonica, or any music.

Listen to the song 100 times, and sing along with the harmonica part. Once you can sing along with it, these tabs show you what holes to start on, then your ear will quickly help you get it.

That’s the secret. Rock on! :sunglasses: