Seydel Lightning in c

Honest opinion of the seydel 1847 lightning in c ?


Hi @Cameronjake

An excellent harp. Nothing more needs to be said. I personally prefer that model with PowerBender tuning, but the “standard” Richter tuning is just as good.


– Slim :sunglasses:


Hello @Cameronjake, the harp ist very good.

Regards Astrid :woman_in_lotus_position:


Honestly this harp had not been on my radar for some reason. @Slim is it just an 1847 Classic but with a solid stainless steel comb?

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Hey @Luke

The Seydel 1847 Lightning has the comb made from polished solid stainless steel and that gives it a solid, really heavy feel (5.6 oz / 160 g) compared to, for example, a Hohner Marine Band Deluxe, or just about any other blues harp with a wood or plastic comb – and makes them feel like a child’s toy.

Seydel claims that the reeds are also polished, and that might be true – but when I compared the appearance of the reeds with those of a Seydel 1847 Classic or an 1847 Silver I could see no obvious difference (I guess that I was expecting them to be more mirror-like in appearance).

Finally, the coverplates are prettier than the standard 1847 coverplates.

I personally find the sound of the 1847 Lightning to be nice and full, and I prefer the extra weight that it has. Whether it is worth the extra price? This is difficult to answer. The “standard” 1847 models (Classic, Silver and Noble) are already excellent harps. If a harpist has the extra cash and would personally value a truly quality feeling instrument, then “Go for it!” – otherwise save that cash for your next “standard” 1847 model in a key or tuning that you do not yet have. In other words: the Lightning is a luxury that (as with all luxuries) is not necessary – but sure is nice to have!!

– Slim :sunglasses:

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The common criticism of it amongst YouTube reviewers is that you can easily chip teeth if you pull it into your mouth too quickly. Strangely the Noble which has a similar metal comb (albeit alluminium rather than stainless steel) doesn’t seem to attract the same criticism. Can only imagine the softer and lighter metal doesnt present as big a danger

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