Sit or stand ? A eureka moment!

Hey there @jeffw i think it would give you a chance to try out all of the vowel and consonant sounds while things thaw. I have such a vivid, funny picture of it at the moment. Better your lips stuck to a harp than your tongue stuck to a metal pole. :joy:

3 Likes Don’t you just love that feeling of the harp holding you off the ground by your face and dangling you around while you play :koala:


@stonestone63, The thought of a courier brings you a new harp when the temperature is below zero. You can’t wait, unpack the frozen harp… :rofl:

Where do you think the floating virgin :business_suit_levitating::balloon: comes from? :smiley:


@AstridHandbikebee63 Ma’am, you are a very funny lady :joy: