Song I’m working on (Minor Blues on Chromatic)

Not sure if this is the correct place to post a song that I have been working on with my chromatic. “So Blue For You” a David Barrett octave study. This is a work in progress. Thanks for listening! So Blue For You.m4a - Google Drive


I’ ll give this a Listen when I can got a busy day ahead

Google drive says I need access. Can you change the permissions on it so anyone can listen?

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Sorry I’m not too computer saavy, I think I changed it but not sure .

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Darn it. It’s still not letting me access it. I’m not savvy either.

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Maybe I did it? Time will tell lol.

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Works for me. Very nicely done

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Just given this a Listen, very cool, I’ve been learning Chromatic myself, but haven’t had lesson as such, I play along with Jam tracks in different keys to get an idea where the scales are. Been playing about 6 or 7 weeks now

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All right @bubby.graves success!! Great recording, my friend. Congrats! Sounds very haunting. Good stuff all the way through. Keep up the great work. Thanks for sharing. Rock on! :sunglasses:

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I’ll take that as a compliment coming from you, thanks took me about a year to get to that point, still working out the bugs.

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I like it! great job!

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Yep it’s very easy to think you’ve got it, then you blow on a slide not or draw on one and it’s the wrong note. I think memorizing the entire harp is very much harder than a Diatonic because the sheer number of notes and techniques. I’m starting to get there but I’m still falling off the horse occasionally.


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Very nice! Thanks for sending it. I played along with you on a Lee Oskar A natural minor harp, which fits perfectly. I would say to players that may not play chromatic harps, or can’t afford one, a $50 Oskar harp tuned in a minor key is right on the money for a song like this. Anyway - I enjoyed the playing, the song and I thank you again.

