Went to my first… It was truly worthwhile and fun. After taking the train workshop and practice schedule 5 min/day, I’ve already noticed tremendous timing and control progress. Any way to get JP’S From the Vault, Blowin the ROOF OFF stuff?? I remember him mentioning it in a bonus lesson finishing his course as well???
Oh right on! That was @davidkachalon’s class, yeah?
Yeah I’ve been trying to do the Big Tone Train for 5m/day for the last few months (failing to do it every day, but probably succeeding at doing it 3X/week maybe?) and I’m also noticing huge gains in breathing, tone, and vibrato control.
I’m checking into JP’s stuff for you. Also, for anyone who missed out on SPAH, it’s not too late to change your life as a Harmonica player - I just made a post on Todd Parrott’s Carolina Harp Fest Happening next month.
Yes…David’ s class at SPAH… I ALSO introduced myself to you in the lobby as well at the start of the convention. Great to meet you as my first teacher.
Jay G
Oh Jay! Yes, was great to meet you too my brother!
It’s So funny connecting these forum handles with real flesh & blood people / names.
Any luck finding me JP’s fast county blues or similar from VAULT/ Blowin the Roof Off chord breathing and chugging fun stuff to practice like that?